Human composting to tackle climate change now legal
Democrat-controlled California has legalised the practice of composting human remains in order to “save the planet from climate change.”
State lawmakers have already voted and passed the measure to legalise the process. The new laws come into effect in 2027, allowing liberal California residents to continue virtue signaling about “fighting global warming” even after they die, according to the Slay News website.
However, some of California’s eco-warrior residents are not willing to wait that long. The Los Angeles Times wrote about California resident Blaire Van Valkenburgh being one of a growing number of residents who are already composting the remains of their loved ones.
Human composting, or natural organic reduction, is a relatively recent process whereby a corpse is placed in a special container with biodegradable materials that help the carcass to rapidly transform (decompose) into nutrient-rich soil.
Since this kind of burial – also known as natural organic reduction – won’t be legal in California until 2027, Van Valkenburgh paid to fly her husband’s body to Washington, the first state to legalise human composting in 2020.
Composting funerals are set to become a burgeoning industry in Washington by 2027, with family-owned Clarity Funerals and Cremation in Anaheim and Return Home now jointly offering a package deal for Southern Californians who wish to compost their loved ones in Washington, the LA Times reported.
Former Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, a Democrat and the author of the California law allowing human composting, spoke to the LA Times about her motivations. „I love nature and I would love to be a tree in the afterlife,” she told the paper.
„My family has a crypt in Mexico, where there are no trees or shade. I want to have a plum tree specifically on my land, my favorite fruit, and for my loved ones to visit me there,”
– she said.
Human composting pioneer Katrina Spade emphasized that while traditional burials and cremations contribute to the climate crisis, composting human remains helps combat climate change. „The truth is that the last gesture most of us make on this Earth is to poison ourselves,” Spade stated earlier.