Left's candidate draws parallel between racism and respect for traditions

Left's candidate draws parallel between racism and respect for traditions

According to the Hungarian Left's prime ministerial candidate, Americans have so much respect for traditions that he would have never thought they would elect a black president. Peter Marki-Zay appears to be gaining notoriety for his racist and anti-Semitic comments.

POLITIKA English 2022. FEBRUÁR 21. 11:17

In recent days, several videos have surfaced in which the Hungarian Left’s candidate, Peter Marki-Zay can be heard telling racist jokes. Perhaps the best known to the public is the footage where he cracks a joke about Michael Jackson saying that he died as a rich white woman, Origo writes, noting that on one occasion he also let slip that the left-wing election alliance represented “fascists and communists”.

In a video that recently became known to the wider public, Mr Marki-Zay describes racism as respect for traditions. The video shows an interview with the candidate conducted last April by leftist Marton Gulyas, who runs an online talk show. When asked about his early political ambitions, at minute 7 in the interview, Mr Marki-Zay makes mention of US ex-President Barack Obama.

„I was extremely proud that America elected a black president. I was sure this would never happen in my lifetime. That the Americans are, I don’t know, maybe respectful of traditions enough, to put it nicely, that they will not vote for a black person,” Mr Marki-Zay said.

„Would racism be respect for traditions?” asked the leftist activist.

„I obviously did not want to use that word,” Marki-Zay laughed.

Peter Marki-Zay often appears with extremist, anti-Jewish and anti-Roma politicians. In a previous video he said in response to the accusations of anti-Semitism against him that there were “not very many” Jews in Fidesz. Later, after the so-called Pegasus case, he posted a photo of Viktor Orban standing in front of a menorah. He often utters racist remarks. Last year, he was trying to be funny by writing the following: “Now, here’s a cute joke. You’re probably familiar with this one, aren’t you? With Stevie Wonder or even Ray Charles versions, when they say, they’re asked – as the joke goes – in an interview of course, what it’s like to be blind and then responds, well, it’s still better than being black.”

After the post, the Hungarian Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired denounced the offensive remark.

Even though he has received heavy criticism by Jewish organizations, Marki-Zay has not apologized for his anti-Semitic remarks.