PM Orban: This war can have no winner

PM Orban: This war can have no winner

This war can have no winner, the online edition of the Hungarian daily Magyar Nemzet quoted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban as saying on Wednesday.

POLITICS FEBRUARY 23. 2023 11:27

Hungary’s premier, who is also the chair of the ruling Fidesz party, addressed members of the Fidesz-Christian Democrat (KDNP) party alliance’s parliamentary group in Balatonfured on Wednesday. After his annual state of the nation speech on Saturday and ahead of parliament’s soon-to-start spring session, PM Orban laid down some „clear foundations” for the next period, the daily writes.

Mr Orban told members of the parliamentary group that the government discussed at a three-day off-site meeting in Sopron, northwest Hungary, whether Hungary needs to change its approach to the war. He said the government’s decision was that it should not, because

today, Hungary’s national interest still demands that the country should stay out of this war.

„The Hungarian people decided in April that we will not supply arms, and we will not join any war coalition,” PM Orban said.

He stressed in his speech that Hungary does not support any of the parties, because this war can have no winner, Magyar Nemzet writes.

In PM Orban’s opinion, Russia cannot win because the whole Western world is lined up behind Ukraine. However, Russia is a nuclear power, and a nuclear power cannot be cornered because it could start a nuclear war,

reads the article.

PM Orban reaffirmed that the only morally correct stance in terms of war is the position represented by the Fidesz-Christian Democrat (KDNP) alliance, because lives can only be saved through a ceasefire and peace, therefore we need an immediate ceasefire and peace talks.

In Viktor Orban’s assessment,

Europe has been weakened over the past year because the Biden administration has been pursuing its own interests in Brussels at the expense of European interests.

The response to the war, the „tsunami of sanctions”, have started to weaken the European economy, while America, rich in cheap energy, is unaffected, PM Orban was quoted as saying.

Europe’s military might has also begun to wane, because the war has reduced the stockpiles of European armies, and these stockpiles have not been replenished, Mr Orban pointed out.

Viktor Orban opined that Europe had lost its independence, economic and military strength in less than a year. In this situation, Hungary must represent its own interests, because only then can it emerge intact and stronger from the war, according to the article’s assessment.

PM Orban believes that in order to achieve this, three things must be done: Hungary’s independence must be protected, which means that its pro-peace position must be defended against the Biden administration and Brussels. The second point cited in the article was that the strength of the Hungarian economy must be preserved, a war must be waged against inflation, jobs and families must be protected, as well as the elderly and those working and receiving earnings on payroll. As the third point, the article referred to the need to strengthen Hungary’s military power, „because peace requires strength”.

The article also mentions that Hungary’s premier confirmed that inflation was unleashed on Europe, including Hungary, by Brussels.

„The name of the disease is sanctions-induced inflation, and the virus is called Brussels’s sanctions. The punitive measures were aimed at Russia, but they hit Europe instead,”

the PM stated.

He continued with the fact that Russia and Western multinationals made a lot of money from the sanctions-fuelled inflation as, according to forecasts, the profit of the world’s oil and gas industry has risen from 500 to 834 billion dollars in 2022.

In his speech, Mr Orban made it clear that extra profits appear at domestic energy companies, banks, commercial multinationals, and pharmaceutical companies. Hungary’s utility bill protection fund is being financed from this money, which enables the government to maintain and finance reduced utility prices up to average household consumption levels, the paper quoted PM Orban as saying, „We won’t just idly watch the generation of extra profit. We’ll take it and give it back to the people.”

On the topic of starting the political season, Viktor Orban identified the opponents of the of the Fidesz-KDNP alliance as „pro-war international interest groups that consist of the Biden administration, Brussels’ the pro-war bureaucrats and pro-war politicians, Hungary’s Ferenc Gyurcsany-led „Dollar Left,” who were „bought by the pound,” according to Mr Orban, and who only do „what their sponsors ask.” And, as a third group, he named the international speculators who want to profit in times of war.

PM Orban concluded his speech by saying that they could not break the Fidesz-KDNP alliance in recent years because their hearts were in the right place. „He expects from his fellow lawmakers in 2023 what he has expected of them until now: diligence, team spirit and courage,” Magyar Nemzet writes.



fidesz-kdnp, Hungary, viktor orban, war