Automatic weapons fired near Serbia-Hungary border – videos

Automatic weapons fired near Serbia-Hungary border – videos

There was another shooting at the border between Hungary and Serbia. Several amateur videos show migrants walking around with automatic weapons, causing fear in Horgos residents. The last time similar events happened was during the time of the Ottoman and the Tatar invasions, the parliamentary group leader of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (VMSZ/SVM) says.


A warlike scenario unfolded in Horgos, on the Serbian-Hungarian border, on Thursday evening. The municipality in Serbia has gained a reputation for hosting the greatest number of migrants wanting to enter the European Union illegally. While in the past few years these migrants have committed minor crimes, in recent weeks and months the use of weapons has become a daily occurrence. The smuggling gangs, comprising migrants armed with guns and rifles, are carrying out shootouts among themselves. Locals fear that a bullet will once take the life of someone living there.

In the evening hours on Thursday, a large group of migrants marched through the village centre and started firing.

Another video shows illegal immigrants walking between houses with automatic weapons in their hands.

Locals warned each other about the events on social media. There were several posts about where in the village shots were heard, and which streets were blocked by the police and gendarmerie who arrived later.

Image: Screenshot

Several people took to Facebook to write that they no longer dare to go out at night and that they are worried for their children. Parents dare not leave children alone in the houses. The villagers also called for an extraordinary village assembly. There is no time to wait, action is needed now, they warned.

Some say that the current situation could get even worse, and that the migrants will stop at nothing. Others believe migrants are sending a message to Hungary with their current aggression.

Image: Screenshot

Order was restored by early morning, according to local reports.

Pasztor: Behaviour last seen during Ottoman and Tatar invasions

The situation is intolerable in Horgos, Martonos, Subotica and in western Backa, Balint Pasztor, parliamentary group leader, reacted to the events taking place in Horgos. On Vojvodina RTV, the vice-president of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (VMSZ/SVM) pointed out that since 2015, the representatives of the party have regularly spoken out against prevailing conditions in a bid to protect the security of citizens. It is inadmissible that migrants should be more important than local residents, he reiterated.

Some Serbian opposition politicians label him a fascist for voicing this opinion, the Hungarian politician noted. He stressed that VMSZ/SVM demands that Serbia’s southern border be protected and the security of the country’s citizens be guaranteed, and also insists that the police and gendarmerie be present on the territory. Every single action authorities have taken against migrants was only due to the ethnic Hungarian party’s governmental role and that is not enough, he added.

„A growing number of people in Europe are beginning to concede that Hungary’s government is right, and the same goes for the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians here [in Serbia], with MVSZ/SVM being the only one among Serbia’s parliamentary parties to take up this issue. From this aspect, I consider the tripartite consultation, between the president of the Republic of Serbia, Hungary’s prime minister and Austria’s chancellor to be very important. Addressing this issue at the southern border is the essence and the expected outcome of this initiative,”

Mr Pasztor said.

The parliamentary group leader expects that the tripartite cooperation will put an end to the influx of non-refugees gathering in the north of the country, where they commit deeds that were last done by the Turks and Tatars.




border, Hungary, migration, serb