Gender clinic administers shocking drugs to children
The United States is a country where the lives of the youngest can be legally ruined.
A gender clinic in Utah is performing irreversible sex change procedures on minors despite being fully aware that they can cause permanent side effects, with lasting physical changes, including sterility.
According to documents obtained by America First Legal, the drugs and sex change procedures with permanent side effects, many of which are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yet still given to minors, include hormone replacement therapy, puberty blockers, and surgeries such as mastectomies, vaginoplasty, phalloplasty, and metoidioplasty.
Despite being aware of the implications, the University of Utah’s gender clinic administers these gender-affirming drugs to minors.
The University of Utah’s „feminizing therapy options” state that oestrogen use in biological males can cause some permanent changes to the body, including expansion in the chest and a number of changes to the body that are variable in reversibility.
According to the document, the “risk of feminizing therapy options” include high blood pressure, blood clots, heart disease, diabetes, liver and kidney disease, non-cancerous tumours of the pituitary gland, gall stones, breast cancer, headaches and migraines, and loss of fertility.
The risks also include irreversible breast growth despite transgender activists’ and Democrat lawmakers’ continuous claims that these treatments can be reversible. When signing the consent documents, minors must acknowledge that these procedures can cause permanent shrinkage of testicles and immature sperm which can cause infertility.
In addition, minors must acknowledge that taking oestrogen can cause heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, and strokes leading to death.
The University of Utah’s „masculinizing therapy options” state that the permanent side effects of taking testosterone as a biological female can result in scalp hair loss, a deepened voice, facial and body hair growth, and clitoral enlargement, according to documents.
The clinic notes that the FDA has not approved the use of testosterone for „gender-affirming hormone therapy,” and that using it raises the risk of heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, high cholesterol, increased red blood cell count, headaches and migraines, emotional changes, and infertility.
When it comes to puberty blockers, the clinic acknowledges that they can cause decreased density in the bones, and adds that it lacks long-term studies on the impact puberty blockers have on brain development.