Brussels vastly overestimates EU ammunition production capacities
Fast food a luxury for majority of Americans
Migration also contributes to huge rent spike
Bird flu and El Nino also affect Easter festivities
Is Brussels deliberately hurting farmers in the EU?
Migration costs weigh heavily on taxpayers
Putin's ploy pushes Germany to brink of economic collapse
Chinese carmakers spark booming resurgence in Russia's auto market
Austrian Right warns of Ukrainian grain dangers
"Germany on track towards a command economy"
Heat pumps useless in large proportion of UK homes
Germany issues early warning of winter energy shortages
Entrepreneurs sound the alarm: companies go bust almost every day
Wave of bankruptcies further increases unemployment in Austria
Americans are suffering from Joe Biden's immigration policy
Energy transition to flop as hopes for cheap green electricity fade away
One in five Germans must skip their holiday
Further proof that mass migration is not the answer
Former EU commissioner: Germany is sick and in need of rehabilitation
UK is addicted to cheap, imported labour, former party leader says
Britain needs to build 250 thousand more houses just for immigrants
Avian influenza rages in France
90 million Americans struggle to make ends meet
"How is it possible that Ukraine is plotting against a NATO country?"
Massive battery factory to be built in France – video
France faces highest fuel prices in euro area – video
EU taxpayers in for a burden of tens of millions of euros per year
Poles firmly reject EU proposals
German fashion companies successively go bust
Food prices continue to rise in Europe
NHS is broken, party leaders say
PM Orban: China-Hungary economic and financial ties to expand
Nuclear power ends, major German electric company hikes prices
German bakeries close in succession, unable to cover costs
UK landlords exit rental market leaving young people in dire straits
Expert shortage worsens in Germany
Property market sees major turnaround, renters feel relieved
French food safety authority playing into Russia's hands -video
Producers in trouble as milk import grows
Czechs flock next door in frenzied shopping spree
Brexit contributes to high food price inflation