UK, an importer of mass criminality

UK, an importer of mass criminality

The majority of the British public thinks that migration is correlated with a rise in crime.

WORLD MAY 18. 2024 19:16

Amidst increasing calls for the UK government to publish data on the criminality of migrants and asylum seekers by nationality, a poll from YouGov has revealed that 56 percent of the public believe that migration “usually leads to more crime”.

Conversely, just 3 percent of the British public said migration brings down crime, while 28 percent said that they think it “usually makes no difference” and a further 13 percent said they were unsure.

Some of the picture can be gleaned from looking at prison statistics, which found that people professing Muslim faith and those registered as so-called BAME (Black, Asian, Minority, Ethnic) people are overrepresented in the prison population, according to Breitbart. Jail statistics also show the stark increase in the Albanian prisoner population in Britain, which over the past decade has increased from 212 in 2013 to 1,475 last year.

As of June of last year, 10,321 foreigners were incarcerated in England and Wales, representing 12 percent of all inmates in the British prison population. However, while the Home Office keeps records on the ethnicity of those arrested in Britain, it refuses to publish a full breakdown of crimes by nationality.

The department also does not disclose to the public whether prisoners are in the country legally or if they are alleged asylum seekers.

This has led to Brexit leader Nigel Farage accusing the government of importing “mass criminality” through its open-door immigration system, which has allowed in record levels of foreigners – nearly three-quarters of a million in 2022 net – and continues to see thousands of illegals pour over the English Channel from France every month.

Former Home Secretary Suella Braverman has made similar warnings, claiming that migrants — particularly those breaking into the country illegally — are playing a key role in the “heightened levels of criminality” seen in the country.

In order to get a clearer picture of the impact of migration on crime, former Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick has called on the government to begin recording and publishing the nationality, immigration, and visa status of every convicted criminal. The former minister has also suggested a bifurcation of the Home Office, arguing that a specific department should be tasked with controlling illegal immigration.

“We cannot hope to fix our immigration system without understanding the problem. The national debate on legal and illegal migration is hindered by a lack of data on the fiscal, economic and societal impacts of migration,” Mr Jenrick told The Telegraph in March. He also emphasized that

“There is mounting concern that the UK is importing crime, particularly violent crime, sexual assaults and drug production. We need to have transparency so the public knows what’s happening and policy can be formulated accordingly,”

– he said.



crime, migration, uk