Germany is enmeshed in terrorism

Immigration and terrorism are directly linked, says Boris Rhein, premier of the German state of Hesse.

WORLD SEPTEMBER 4. 2024 17:48

Hesse’s Minister-President Boris Rhein sees a direct link between Germany’s immigration and terrorism, writes the German newspaper Die Welt.

„Germany is experiencing a terrorism problem in connection with migration, and the federal government has a duty to react,”

the Christian Democrat (CDU) state premier told the Funke Mediengruppe. He said the crucial question is how to ensure that fewer people enter the country. There is an urgent need to change the country’s migration policy and to start consistently rejecting the asylum applications of those who do not qualify he said, adding that furthermore, illegal migrants should be prevented from entering Germany while awaiting their applications to be processed. But he also criticised the bureaucracy of the federal government, saying application processing takes too long.

„Criminals and people who pose a threat should have their citizenship revoked,”

the Hesse state government head said. Mr Rhein noted that, according to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Christian Social Union (CSU) party alliance, asylum procedures should be conducted in third countries and migrants from Afghanistan and Syria should be deported back to those countries. The politician seems to have forgotten that it was his former party colleague and former Chancellor Angela Merkel who brought Germany to the brink. Merkel encouraged migrants to come to Germany in 2015. It is thanks to subsequent government measures that migrants do not even have to work because of the social safety net made possible by German taxpayers. As a result, they have absolutely no intention of permanently returning to their country of origin.



germany, terror