Germany publishes staggering migration figures

The statistics refute the federal government's claims that migration is a necessary phenomenon to improve the country's economic indicators.

WORLD AUGUST 5. 2024 11:15

Since the great migration wave of 2015, Syrians have been arriving in Germany in increasing numbers, reaching at least 972,000 by the end of 2023, according to statistics firm Statista. This represents an extremely rapid increase since 2013, when there were only 60,000 Syrians living in Germany. The statistics also refute claims by the federal government that migration is necessary to improve economic indicators. According to the latest figures from the Federal Employment Office, 513,534 Syrians receive a welfare benefit known as German citizen’s money (Burgergeld), which does not even require them to work. Moreover, those who do not receive this money are also provided for, receiving housing and other benefits under the Asylum-Seekers’ Benefits Act.

According to Statista, there has also been a huge increase in the number of Afghans, rising to 419,410 by 2023, a six-fold increase on 2014. Almost half of them, 197,551, receive social assistance and the vast majority of them live on asylum seeker benefits.

Remix News recently reported that Afghans have one of the highest crime rates in the country. According to some crime statistics, Afghans are five times more likely to commit crimes than German speakers. However, in some categories, such as sexual assault, they are 12.5 times more likely to commit crimes than the rest of society. But this is only a fraction of the problem that Germany has to endure with regard to crimes committed by migrants, many of which are committed by repeat offenders. Around one-third of migrants suspected of having committed a crime have already been convicted. Many of the offences are serious: gang rape, assault, and murder.



germany, migrant