Joe Biden is obviously not in charge

The sitting US president is being controlled by the inner coterie surrounding him, says former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard.

POLITICS JULY 18. 2024 09:46

The Democrats did not really have a meaningful choice of presidential candidates in the primaries, at least that’s what Tulsi Gabbard said on the American Fox News channel. The former Democratic presidential candidate was commenting on the faltering of Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy in recent weeks, following his repeated fumbles at public events – apparently due to his extremely deteriorated mental state.

„They didn’t give Democratic voters in that primary an option.They didn’t give Democratic voters a real choice in that primary, and now we see all this inner squabbling happening amongst Democrats and influencers in the Democratic sphere about whether or not Joe Biden should remain the nominee, or whether they should swap him out. And you look at why this infighting is happening, it’s because they don’t really care about what’s best for the country,”

Gabbard said, also noting that Democrats don’t really care about Joe Biden, either.

„This isn’t about loyalty to Joe Biden. They are trying to figure out how best to stay in power. They’re trying to figure out: is Joe Biden that winning horse or do they need to put him out to pasture and find someone else that they believe can win and will also be a figurehead that they can be the puppet masters for and control. (…) Clearly, Joe Biden showed the country in the [television broadcast] debate that he is incapable of being the president and commander-in-chief, and is clearly not calling the shots,”

the former Democrat politician explained. In her view, it’s those in what’s known as the ‘deep state’ that are pulling the strings from behind the scenes – those who are not in elected positions. Tulsi Gabbard pointed out that this is why they are so terrified of Donald Trump and why they are doing everything to destroy him. „They know that Trump will expose them and dismantle their power.”



donald trump, joe biden, usa