Many Dutch want border controls back
Nearly half of the Dutch want border controls reinstated between EU countries to curb immigration, according to data put out by the Dutch election consultancy website Kieskompas. However, a complete closure of the Dutch borders is not possible, say the Koninklijke Marechaussee, the policing authority responsible for border protection in the Netherlands.
ore than 51,000 people have filled out the pre-election guide on the Kieskompas website, which assists voters in choosing the party that best aligns with their beliefs and values. One of the statements to react to read:
„Border controls between EU countries must be reinstated to reduce immigration”. Nearly half of respondents said yes to this statement.
Almost all voters from the right-wing parties, like the Party for Freedom (PVV) led by Geert Wilders and the Forum for Democracy (FvD), want the borders to be closed, but a large proportion of voters from the left-wing parties also agree, the Dutch news portal NL Times pointed out.
A completely closed border is impossible, the military police told the Hart van Nederland programme, saying: „for the simple reason that borders sometimes run through ditches, streets and buildings,” he added, noting that
the current staffing levels of the Marechaussee, the border guards, make it impossible to check each individual at the border.
The NL Times also recently reported that while half of the voters last autumn considered it a moral obligation to accept asylum seekers, this figure has now fallen to 39%. The Dutch are apparently increasingly fed up with the excessive immigration.