Migrants wreak terror on beaches

Violent migrants are a growing problem in Austria.

POLITICS JUNE 27. 2024 13:16

„The only thing we can say to those who abuse our children is: go back home!” that was the Austrian Freedom Party’s (FPO) reaction to the growing number of beaches in Austria that are being terrorised by migrants molesting young girls and beating each other up when cultural differences arise. However, the victims, who will not be able to fully process these horrific abuses for the rest of their lives, and their families, can expect no positive developments.

„The assault of several children by two Afghan migrants at the swimming pool in Traiskirchen is one in a long line of horrific acts of violence committed by illegal immigrants from other cultures. They all have one thing in common: the governing People’s Party (OVP) and the Greens are regime-changing parties that are turning Austria into a Mecca of heavily subsidised asylum seekers, at the taxpayers’ expense. And the Social Democrats (SPO) are assisting in this,”

said Michael Schnedlitz, secretary general of the FPO, after two asylum seekers sexually abused six children in the swimming pool in Traiskirchen. The location also serves as a dramatic warning, he says [the town is also home to a massive refugee camp – ed].

As is known, the social-democratic city mayor, who happens to also be the SPO party’s president, is calling for legalised migration routes and opposes the deportation of illegal migrants. His party, showed just two weeks ago in the National Council by rejecting the FPO’s motion against the issue, that there is room in Austria for illegal migrants who can commit any crime without consequences – at least that is what FPO believes. Michael Schnedlitz says that it is with such terrible crimes that pro-migrant politicians are showing Austrians what happens when Chancellor Karl Nehammer, who is a total failure on asylum policy, joins forces with the Left.

The Freedom Party secretary general stressed that to ensure the safety of Austrian families and their children, change is needed on 29 September, when parliamentary elections will be held in Austria.

„Then we will put an immediate stop on the influx of countless violent criminals, rapists and child abusers immigrating into our country. This self-destructive culture of inclusion based on false tolerance will then be replaced by a culture of deportation, so that people can feel safe at night again and our children can go swimming again without fear of violent migrants,”

the politician stressed. His party colleague Lisa Gubik also reacted to the issue, saying that the horrific attacks by migrants foreshadow how things will be across Austria if the government and the Left continue to have a free hand in managing mass migration.



attack, austria, migrant