Pastor is convicted of harassment for opposing drag queen story hour for kids
A Canadian court found a pastor guilty of criminal harassment for protesting against drag queens holding children's story time at the city library. Pastor Derek Reimer was also found guilty of breaching bail conditions that prohibit him from protesting at any LGBTQ-themed event.
In fact, supporters of one drag queen storytelling event targeting children literally threw Reimer out of the venue and to the ground, but they were not charged. The pastor, however, was as he had previously been banned from attending any LGBTQ event, according to The Post Millennial.
“Drag queen story hours” are events where so-called drag queens read stories to children. Drag queens are generally male individuals wearing flamboyant make-up and female attire, they are essentially transvestite performers.
“A judge today found me guilty of criminal harassment for expressing my opposition towards drag queen story hour to a library manager set on hosting the event. For posting the video of our interaction on Facebook, and saying we’ll be back (to protest) if the event continues,”
Reimer told LifeSiteNews.
Pastor Reimer, who also heads MISSION7, an evangelical ministry that helps the homeless, now faces up to two years in prison.
The pastor has been arrested numerous times in the past for fighting the LGBTQ agenda and on one occasion his van was desecrated with anti-Christian messages and Satanic symbols