Reopening country is service providers primary interest

The decision to carefully and gradually relaunch the country - reintroducing services tied to the possession of immunity cards - is primarily the interests of those in the services sector, and not necessarily their customers. They have to regain their jobs and livelihoods, the Hungarian justice ministry s state secretary wrote on social media on Saturday, in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.


No one should be envious of them; they have had a difficult year and just want to work, wrote Pal Volner. Without the certificate of immunity, it would take much longer for this to happen. With it, however, work can resume for a growing number of companies, without increasing health risks, the politician said.

The parliamentary state secretary asked everyone to „stop for a moment and think things through calmly and sensibly.”

In Hungary, the terraces of restaurants can open on Saturday as we have inoculated 3.5 million people.

Once 4 million people have been vaccinated, many additional services will become available – albeit, for now, only for those who possess an immunity certificate – which we haven t been able to enjoy for a long time, the state secretary recalled. He said many have expressed outrage over this stipulation, yet the measure is perfectly consistent with the government s goal to reconcile the protection of lives and health with the protection of the economy, jobs and the livelihood of families.

„As deputy minister at the justice ministry, I can say with certainty that the immunity certificate card, as well as making it a prerequisite to the use of certain services is not in violation of any law.” As for any pandemic- and health related issues, he urged people to comply with what doctors say, adding that they all unequivocally state that eliminating the epidemic depends on vaccination, and that all vaccines used in Hungary are safe and effective.

The parliamentary state secretary also pointed out that left-wing politicians have irresponsibly instilled panic and refused to withdraw their proposal for an anti-vaccine resolution, even though some of them have recently started backing down from supporting the initiative and even admitting that Hungary s vaccine procurement campaign was a success. It will be increasingly difficult for them to convince people that there is a problem with the Sputnik V or Sinopharm jabs, especially since the WHO has found both to be good. Slowly, the bureaucrats in Brussels may also start thinking differently in the wake of Germany – one of Europe s leading powers – now buying 30 million doses of the Russian vaccine, Mr Volner said.

The most one can do now is comply with the protection measures, register for the vaccine and take the jab offered by one s doctors. Also, you no longer have to wait for a call from your general practitioner, you can schedule an appointment for the vaccination yourself, Pal Volner wrote.



coronavirus, Hungary, pandemic, reopen