Riots persist over killings by migrants

The incident in Germany was not the first case where a migrant attacked and stabbed a police officer to death.

WORLD POLITICS JUNE 10. 2024 15:11

The latest murder committed by a migrant in Mannheim has sent shockwaves through Germany. A violent man stabbed a police officer to death. People are astounded by the incident and there is growing outrage, especially as the German government continues its policy of supporting immigration. In France too, migrants regularly attack people in broad daylight on the streets, often stabbing on-duty officers. It’s worth recalling that,

according to a previous survey, nearly 90 percent of French people would automatically put anyone who attacked a police officer or gendarme behind bars. According to data from the Ministerial Statistical Department for Internal Security (SSMSI), public servants are the main targets of violence in France.

The French would be rather heavy-handed in dealing with offenders who attack their officers or gendarmes, according to a survey carried out by the CSA Institute on behalf of CNews. The results show that nearly 90 percent of those questioned, 86 out of 100 to be precise, are of the opinion that anyone who attacks a police officer and is found guilty by a court should receive an immediate prison sentence.

Both male and female respondents are nearly unanimous in this view, with 86 percent of men and 87 percent of women saying „yes” to the question of whether they agree that individuals who act against authority figures should be automatically jailed.

Across almost all age groups, the proportion of respondents who would hand out an immediate jail term for assailants of police officers is above 80 percent. Among those aged 50 and over, 90 percent support a harsher approach to assailants of officers, while the ratio stands at 73 percent in the 25 to 34 age group.

As for the political views of survey respondents, support for automatic, actual jail time for police assailants is particularly high among right-wing voters, above 90 percent among voters of all right-wing parties, but highest among Republican supporters at 97 percent. Similarly, a very convincing 96 percent of ruling party supporters would put police attackers behind bars immediately, but only 70 percent of left-wing voters would do so. Regarding Socialist Party supporters, only 71 percent of them would put police attackers behind bars.

The anger of the French against police and gendarmerie attackers is understandable, given the extraordinary increase in attacks on officers, which has doubled in the last two decades. In February 2021, Le Monde reported that an average of 85 police officers are attacked every day in France. The statistics show that the capital is the region with the highest number of such crimes, followed by the Seine-Saint-Denis department (in the vicinity of Paris), and the Nord department in the north of the country.

The French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche (JDD) also reported in July 2022 that law enforcement officers are the main targets of violent attacks. According to SSMSI’s figures, officers and gendarmes are targeted in 52% of attacks on public officials, followed by members of the municipal police with 8 percent, then traffic police with 5.1 percent, and then prison administration and healthcare workers with 4.1 percent.



france, germany, migrant