Salvini: How long is it before opposing illegal immigration becomes a thought crime?

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has spoken out on the dire state of free speech in the UK.

POLITICS AUGUST 15. 2024 14:16

In the aftermath of the UK riots, dozens if not hundreds of people have been arrested over social media posts commenting on the unrest. In some cases, these have included violent threats or incited violence against others.

However, other examples have been patently ludicrous, including the case of a man who received two months in prison for a Facebook post stating, “Coming to a town near you,” alongside an image of Muslim men, the Modernity news portal highlights.

Salvini slammed Prime Minister Keir Starmer for exploiting the riots to launch a draconian crackdown on free speech.

„The fact that the new left-wing British government is persecuting citizens for a post or like seems genuinely worrying to me,” said the Italian politician.

„Will blocking illegal immigration, defending the family, and fighting Islamic fanaticism be considered illegal thoughts to be punished?”

he asked.




free speech, salvini, uk