Slovak government loses no-confidence vote in parliament
Slovakia's government led by Eduard Heger has fallen after losing a no-confidence vote in parliement on Thursday.
After the vote had been postponed on many occasions, PM Heger’s cabinet, which governed with a parliamentary minority since September, lost a no-confidence vote by a narrow margin of 78 votes in the 150-seat legislature in Bratislava. The vote was attended by 102 lawmakers.
A motion of censure was tabled against the government by the liberal Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) movement led by Richard Sulik, who left the former governing coalition in September, together with some other opposition MPs. They claimed that „the government is not capable of addressing the people’s problems and has stopped fighting the mafia and corruption.” Slovakia’s ruling coalition rejected these accusations, responding that the liberals were acting only for their own individual political calculations, ignoring the interests of the people and the country.