Terror reigns again at German public pools

Violent migrants have long made life miserable for bathers not only in Austria but also in Germany.

WORLD JULY 4. 2024 17:35

As V4NA recently reported, visitors to pool and bathing facilities in Austria are terrified of illegal migrants molesting little girls and harassing women. The same situation has been the case for years in Germany, where going to the pool is no longer considered a safe outdoor activity. It is worth remembering that earlier, employees of an outdoor swimming pool complex in Berlin wrote to the daily Der Tagesspiegel to complain about migrant gangs of vandals who sexually harass women and regularly start crowd fights. Recently, a brawl broke out at a bathing complex in the Neukolln district, forcing the premature closure of the facility, and prompting the writing of the stipulated letter above. The complex announced on Wednesday that the swimming facility would remain closed for the rest of the week due to a lack of staff. Several staff have decided to take sick leave instead of show up for work.

„The number of incidents and the behaviour of some bathers is extremely stressful for our very dedicated pool staff,”

reads the letter.

„We asked for help, which they kept promising but nothing ever happened. We can’t take this anymore,” one employee told Der Tagesspiegel. Staff also reported several incidents of being threatened, pushed and spat on by migrants from Africa, who threatened that they were causing a riot the likes of those seen in major German cities on New Year’s Eve. The workers told German media that the situation was getting out of hand. Employees also described the level of hygiene as disastrous

„The shrubs are full of human excrement, the sanitary facilities are smeared with urine and faeces,” the letter stated.

To deal with the crisis, pool staff are demanding extra support and a constant police presence at the facility, while insisting that only families with children be allowed to enter the complex and that all tickets be made out to the name of the user so that offenders can be easily identified and banned from entry for any further misconduct.

In an opinion piece in the German newspaper Junge Freiheit, Henning Hoffgaard writes:

„What did they think would happen if they invited hundreds of thousands of young men from misogynistic cultures to Germany?”

he posed the question to the migrant-welcoming politicians and the people who continue to vote for them.

The migrants gone wild often harass women and very young teenage girls at swimming facilities, which had been a problem last year, as was aggression. As V4NA reported earlier, such an incident occurred in Kaufbeuren, Bavaria, where young migrants harassed 12-year-old girls at a swimming pool in the town’s bathing facility. According to witnesses, members of the migrant group held the girls down and touched their private parts. An attendant noticed and rushed to help the girls, but the attackers managed to escape before the police arrived.

Similar incidents have happened before in Pforzheim. On one occasion, a 24-year-old Pakistani and three 16-17-year-old Iraqis groped two girls at the Emma Jaeger spa. About two hours later, another act of harassment occurred in the same facility. A middle-aged migrant man approached a 15-year-old girl and deliberately touched her bottom. The girl protested. The man apologized in broken German and fled. On the same day, another case of molestation was reported from nearby Stuttgart. Police said a 16-17-year-old Arab-looking suspect had molested two girls. He grabbed one of them by the thigh and tried to pull down her trousers. The girl managed to push him away, but then he turned to the other girl, pinned her against the wall, pulled down his own trousers and started masturbating.



beach, germany, migrant