US sees drastic surge in terror threats

The threat of a terrorist attack within the United States has risen "enormously" in the past months, warn top law enforcement officials.

WORLD JUNE 7. 2024 09:12

Attorney General Merrick Garland recently made an astonishing admission, saying

“I am worried about the possibility of a terrorist attack in the country after October 7. The threat level for us has gone up enormously.”

“Every morning, we worry about this question. We try to track anyone who might be trying to hurt the country. Of course, this is a major priority for the Justice Department,” he was quoted by the British Daily Mail as saying.

FBI Director Christopher Wray agreed, saying “we have seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole other level” after the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

“We have seen a rouges’ gallery of foreign terrorist organizations call for attacks against Americans and our allies,”

– Wray highlighted. “I would be hard pressed to think of a time when so many different threats to our public safety and national security were so elevated all at the same time,” he added.

Wray said threats against Jewish Americans has been particularly acute. We’ve seen an elevated threat to the Jewish community in the United States,” he stressed, adding that although these communities were targeted before the October 7 attack, since then the threats have “gone up dramatically.”

“Religiously motivated hate crimes, close to 60 per cent of them, are targeted at the Jewish community,” he testified, noting how the community only makes up “two per cent of the US population.”

One of the catalysts of the threat, their potential entrance into the country, currently takes place along the US-Mexico border, the FBI chief emphasized.

“Individuals who when they come in are armed with fake documents or snuck in some way or individuals of whom there’s not enough derogatory information in the intelligence community to watchlist them, have been of particular concern,”

– Wray testified.

With less surveillance overseas of foreign terrorist groups, authorities have fewer sources of information to flag which individuals pose a threat upon entering the United States. He added,

Although there have been numerous reports of known terrorists entering the country illegally across the southern border, suspects not on the watch list, about whom little information is available, are also a major concern.

He said that these individuals pose a threat because once inside the country they are difficult to track.



migration, terrorism, usa