Vice-Chancellor's mistake may have exposed lobby behind climate protection goals
The Greens' Federal Minister for Economic Affairs made a foolish mistake when paying an unexpected visit to Ukraine a few days ago. Some say he unintentionally revealed that the Greens' actions in Germany are not motivated by climate protection goals but are driven by lobbies.
German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck, a member of the party called The Greens, demonstrated a shocking double standard when he visited Ukraine a few days ago. After his meeting with Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko, the minister, who is also the vice-chancellor of Germany, gave an interview to Die Welt, among other things on the nuclear power plants in Ukraine. Mr Habeck said that
„Ukraine will insist on nuclear energy. That’s perfectly clear – and it’s fine as long as things work safely. After all, they are already built.”
The German minister’s statement is more than interesting, especially in light of the fact that his party, the Greens, is holding its social democratic and liberal counterparts hostage in the governing coalition and
is pushing all existing measures through the government in the name of „climate protection.” It neither economically nor socially good for Germany. Robert Habeck is one of the leading figures in that party.
In Germany, the remaining three active reactors, Neckarwestheim 2, Isar 2 and Emsland, will be taken offline in a few days, leaving the once nuclear great power without a single operational plant. At the same time, more and more countries in Europe are investing in this technology. Nuclear power not only protects the environment but also provides a secure source of energy, unlike solar and wind power plants. Nevertheless, the German government sees a future in the latter sources.
So, for some strange reason, nuclear power is only destroying the planet in Germany. If Ukraine has such facilities, the German minister finds that “fine.” It comes as little surprise that the shocking double standard has not gone unchallenged. The right-wing party Alternative for Germany (AfD) believes that
„The Greens are crooks. Their scenario for leaving nuclear power is based on lies, which Habeck has now indirectly admitted. They are destroying our secure energy supply for no reason. Everyone who cares about our energy supply must help to end the Greens’ shutdown orgy and allow nuclear power to continue to be produced in Germany,”
said Steffen Kotre, spokesman for energy policy in the AfD parliamentary group. The politician recalled that a series of international studies have shown that German power plants are among the safest, far exceeding Ukrainian safety standards. Despite the fact that he has put Germany in a very difficult position, the Green economy minister sees no problem in the operation of Ukrainian power plants.
Suspicion arises that the cause of climate protection is not the real reason behind the Greens’ rampage. Rather, it may be the work of certain lobbies.
By abandoning nuclear energy and Russian energy sources, Germany has put itself in a very vulnerable position. As a result, it has to buy energy from other major powers – from the Scandinavian countries, through France, to the United States and the Arab countries. And these energy sources cost much more overall than the ones Germany used to produce itself or import from Russia.
It is no wonder that people are increasingly angry about the country’s situation in Europe and in the world, and there is growing dissatisfaction with the social democratic-green-liberal coalition government that was formed nearly a year and a half ago. A survey published by the INSA institute shows that
a clear majority of Germans, 55 per cent, do not want the current government to continue running the country, and less than a third want Social Democrat Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his team to continue.
In a statement, the AfD said that this comes as no surprise, as the government has not solved any problems but rather exacerbated them, from the energy crisis to migration policy. AfD believes that the Greens are holding the whole government hostage.
” Habeck, Baerbock and their fellows were the real ideological leaders of the coalition from the outset, while the Social Democratic chancellor and the liberal FDP played the role of obedient recipients of orders. The green influence of this coalition is evident everywhere. It’s apparent in their policy endorsing illegal mass migration, in their warmongering, and in their ideologically driven insistence on shutting down nuclear power plants.”
AfD’s statement reads.