Voters believe cover-up afoot to conceal Biden's health issues

The majority of US voters say they believe Kamala Harris was in on a cover-up to keep Democrat President Joe Biden’s health issues hidden from the public, a new poll reveals.

POLITICS AUGUST 2. 2024 19:43

According to a new survey by YouGov and The Times of London

a majority of voters, 54 per cent, said they thought Biden’s deteriorating health was being deliberately concealed.

Of those who think there was a cover-up to hide the truth about Biden’s condition, nearly all (92%) say Vice President Kamala Harris is to blame. But 95 per cent of respondents also fault the Biden family for deliberately misleading voters.

Most agreed that Biden’s degraded mental and physical condition was evident during the June presidential debate with President Donald Trump.

The media, Democrats in Congress and White House staff were also considered responsible for the cover-up by a majority of voters in the poll.

But when asked whether they thought Biden should resign now, only 30 per cent of respondents said yes, 63 per cent said no, and 7 per cent reported being unsure. Biden’s withdrawal from the race is widely seen as the right decision, with 76 per cent of US voters surveyed agreeing.



health, joe biden, poll