Anti-Semitism threat to be considered in asylum process
In the Netherlands, a majority of MPs voted in favour of a motion by the fundamentalist Protestant SGP party calling on the government to consider anti-Semitism as a potential risk factor when assessing residence permits.
The text of the proposal notes that anti-Semitism „is an evil that must also be repressed and vigorously combated in the Netherlands” and points out that in Germany, the law makes possible the deportation of foreign nationals who are anti-Semitic and prevents them from becoming German citizens.
The Dutch motion calls on the government to examine how anti-Semitism can be used as grounds for denying or withdrawing permanent and temporary residence permits and naturalisation applications, Dutch News portal reports.
The motion was co-signed by VVD, NSC and BBB – three of the four parties currently in negotiations on forming a new government.
SGP shared the text of the document on social media:
„Hatred of Jews has no place in our country!”
Meerderheid Tweede Kamer wil dat antisemitisme voortaan zwaarder weegt bij beslissingen over verblijfsvergunningen. Voor Jodenhaat is geen plek in ons land!
Zojuist is deze motie van @djhvandijk aangenomen. Regering gaat nu uitzoeken hoe dat geregeld kan worden.
— SGP (@SGPnieuws) January 23, 2024
During the debate on the motion last week, SGP parliamentarian Diederik van Dijk referred to the rise in anti-Semitism in the Netherlands since the start of the Israeli war. He said that the drafters’ aim to ensure that anti-Semitism carries more weight in the adjudication process regarding residence permits and applications for Dutch citizenship.
Van Dijk noted:
„Unfortunately, it is a well-known fact that the evil of anti-Semitism is deeply ingrained in people from Arabic and Islamic countries.”
Right-wing politician Geert Wilders, winner of last year’s Dutch elections, recently spoke about the difficulties posed by migration.
As the V4NA reported in a previous piece, Geert Wilders is still in coalition talks, trying to form a government. The process could drag on for some time, as his views were considered too radical just a few years ago. But today, the right-wing politician has been vindicated, especially regarding the political and social consequences of migration.
Wij gaan voor een rechts kabinet. Nederlanders weer op 1. Een forse lastenverlichting voor burgers en geen pijnlijke megabezuinigingen. Heel veel minder asielzoekers en dwang in de diepvries. Ik hoop dat het lukt zodat nieuwe verkiezingen niet nodig zijn. 👍
— Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) January 27, 2024
„We are going for a right-wing cabinet. The Dutch will be put back in first place with significant tax breaks for citizens and a lot fewer asylum seekers. I hope it works so that new elections are not necessary,” Mr Wilders wrote on his social media page.
The politician’s warnings stated years ago have now become reality.
The Dutch population is being replaced by immigrants, often Muslims.
„In our three big cities, Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam, more than 50 per cent of newborns are children of immigrants,” he said in a video posted on social media, which was no doubt recorded recently in a parliamentary session. He added that the Dutch will soon be a minority and that the Netherlands will be a backward Islamic country, a veritable hell on earth.