Tensions keep mounting in Norway and Denmark over migrant gangs from Sweden

Sweden's so-called openness not only leads to higher fences and walls in the country, but also poses the risk of long-term isolation for Sweden, as immigrant gangs from Sweden spread to neighbouring Nordic countries. Criminals from Sweden are already active all across Norway.

WORLD AUGUST 11. 2024 15:37

Denmark has recently introduced border controls on its border with Sweden, citing the influx of both criminal gangs and violent Islamists across the strait. A few days ago, Denmark’s justice minister openly stated that he did not want „Swedish conditions” in his country, the Swedish Samnytt news portal recalled.

In addition to armed clashes in Denmark, immigrant criminal networks from Sweden are also engaged in recruiting Danish youth, which poses a serious problem, the Danish police say.

„This is deeply unacceptable,” said Peter Hummelgaard, Denmark’s justice minister.

In mid-June, two young gang members from Sweden were arrested in Copenhagen for attempted murder. More recently, two more „Swedish” youngsters were arrested for two separate shootings in Denmark.

„I take the events we have seen and the information from the police very seriously. It is deeply unacceptable that Swedes and people who reside in Sweden engage in serious criminal activity in Denmark. We don’t want Swedish conditions in Denmark,”

Hummelgaard stressed.

„Swedish conditions” has become a term used in both Norway and Denmark to refer to immigrant-dominated gang crime.

Gangs from Sweden are active in all police districts in the country and there is huge concern that violence will increase, said Kristin Kvigne, head of Norway’s National Criminal Investigation Service.

We are afraid that Norwegian criminals will copy the methods of Swedish criminals, for example the practice of recruiting very young people,

Kvigne told the Swedish national radio.



crime, denmark, norway, sweden