Food safety recalls in France for risk of serious illness
Safety concerns with some food products forced the authorities to recall a range of products that are essential for traditional French Christmas dinner, just days before the holiday.
An important product recall warning has been issued by the French authority „Rappel Consommateur„, a government agency dealing with unsafe food. The products where safety issues have arisen are major components of the traditional French festive dinner.
The recalled foods include prawns, smoked salmon and capon, without which many French people cannot imagine a Christmas menu.
For example, 300 grams of smoked salmon sold in Leclerc chain stores was recalled because of a problem with the labelling, which had two different expiry dates. Anyone who bought the product and returns it to the store by 4 January can exchange it for another or get a refund.
Saumon fumé Hautes Terres d’Ecosse 300G – 10T – Petit NavireRisques : Anomalie d’étiquetage
Motif : Présence de deux DLC différentes sur le produit. La DLC conforme est le 04/01/2023 située au dos de l’étui carton.https://t.co/OHsLbJvEn6 pic.twitter.com/ykJDS8spxM
— RappelConso (@RappelConso) December 16, 2022
Far more serious issues were identified with other products. 2.5-kilogram capons sold by Gaulois Professionnel were also recalled after they were suspected of being contaminated with listeria. As a precaution, everyone is asked to return them to the store, because the bacteria can cause serious illness.
2.5 KG SAUTE CHAPON 40-60 S/V NC – Le Gaulois ProfessionnelRisques : Listeria monocytogenes (agent responsable de la listériose)
Motif : Listeriahttps://t.co/FSNWs76r4D pic.twitter.com/HMPvFx5ZGU
— RappelConso (@RappelConso) December 19, 2022
Cuisses de chapon nu – /Risques : Listeria monocytogenes (agent responsable de la listériose)
Motif : Listeriahttps://t.co/vdIgjDRMoA pic.twitter.com/7B08F7mJ1K
— RappelConso (@RappelConso) December 19, 2022
Several product recalls have been issued in recent days. Authorities do not recommend consuming foie gras sold in several stores across the country, including Leclerc, Cora, Auchan, Carrefour and Spar, between 16 November and 13 December, due to the unpleasant taste and smell of the product. Packaged shrimps sold by stores at the end of November were also recalled due to suspected listeria contamination. The shrimps were also on offer at all larger stores throughout the country.