Gender lobby grows more prevalent this year

Gender lobby grows more prevalent this year

This year, the LGBTQ lobby, various organisations and activists have all the more frequently pushed for changes in the legislation of certain countries. V4NA has compiled the most interesting examples of LGBTQ insanity that have manifested themselves in 2022.

WORLD DECEMBER 28. 2022 18:26

Certain pseudo-scientific terms and theories promoted by LGBTQ groups have almost completely become part of modern parlance. Examples are the term „pregnant men,” or the claim itself that males can also get pregnant. The developers of iPhone have also reinforced this misconception with an update of the device’s operating system, which now allows users to download 37 new emojis, including a pregnant man and a pregnant, gender-neutral person.

Alongside the pregnant emojis, developers have also added a non-binary person with a crown, to expand the scope of the existing prince and princess emojis. The emojis were released in five skin-tone variations, which users can pick from by pressing the relevant icons on their keyboard.

Shortly after Apple’s release of new designs defying natural biology, a scandal erupted around the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) after it came to light that the medical association cooperated with a fetish forum or, more precisely, a website that produces sadomasochistic fetishes, plus includes and creates fictional child pornography and extreme content. The day when WPATH published a new document, claiming that „eunuchs” should be recognised as a separate gender identity is another memorable moment.

The document also claims that „eunuch-identified people may suffer the same minority stress as other stigmatized groups,” and refers extensively to research collected from a hardcore fetish site called the Eunuch Archive — a site that features child sexual exploitation fantasies centered around stopping little boys from going through puberty.

Eunuch Archive was launched in the late 1990s in collaboration with Body Modification Ezine (BME), another fetish site. BME gained some notoriety in the early 2000s for a viral video titled „Pain Olympics” which featured men mutilating their genitals on camera. Prior to the official launch of the archive itself, members would congregate on a forum, which advertised itself in a newsgroup dedicated to sadomasochism

In the newsgroup, members shared castration fantasies, offered services, traded castration photos and videos, sought to connect with young men to „feminise”, asked for advice on chemical castration, and recommended doctors willing to perform surgeries without psychiatric evaluations.

During its investigation, the Reduxx news agency has also registered itself on the site. Within the protected fiction archives, there were over 3,000 stories involving minors, including the explicit sexual abuse of children. The term „minor” was a specially-curated tag that users could select to easily access stories specifically featuring children. The fictional pornography included themes such as Nazi doctors castrating children, or baby boys being fed milk with estrogen in order to be violently sex trafficked as adolescents.

State agencies also jumped on the band wagon

Besides some independent organisations, certain state health services have also begun to view eunuchs as a separate gender identity. Amid the controversy over gender and gender-neutral personal pronouns in Scotland, the National Health Service (NHS) was forced to issue an apology and launch an internal investigation after publishing a document that reportedly described an eunuch as „an individual assigned male at birth whose testicles have been surgically removed or rendered non-functional, and who identifies as a eunuch”.

The document was published as the Scottish government was about to debate reform of the Gender Recognition Act. The law was to be changed to make it easier for transgender people to obtain a certificate of recognition that reflects their new gender. The aim was to allow people to change their gender without a medical diagnosis, on the grounds of gender dysphoria, thus enabling people to define their own gender identity.

Paedophiles are also defended

The idea of recognising paedophiles as a marginalised minority was another issue that sparked general outrage. A professional counselor who works with incarcerated sex offenders defended pedophiles, describing them as members of a „marginalised” minority in a video.

Licensed sex therapist Miranda Galbreath posted a video titled „Let’s talk about minor-attracted persons.” In the video, Ms Galbreath refers to paedophiles as „minor-attracted people (MAP),” stating that the term paedophile is a „judgemental, hurtful insult.” According to her, these minor-attracted people are „the most vilified of folks” who suffer from the disparaging assumptions of the wider population.

Are the terms „father” and „mother” about to disappear?

Lobby groups in France have managed to get the words „mother” and „father” scrapped from civil documents. In May, Jean-Marc Bonnaffous, deputy mayor of Marseille, announced that the city would update civil status forms, such as administrative documents and marriage certificates, in a bid to make them more inclusive, in compliance with the laws. The forms had been updated in select districts before the changes were eventually extended to the entire city as part of the initiative. In line with the new rules, the words „mother” and „father” have been replaced by the terms „parent 1” and „parent 2” on all civil documents issued by the city.

Besides changing the terms on the official documents, 300 civil registrars have been sent to participate in various LGBTQ-related sensitisation training programs.

Equality, by all means

Ovarian cancer can affect anyone, not only women as a result of gender-crazed activists’ efforts to make men and women more equal. The UK’s National Health Service has removed the word „women” from a number of guidance documents as they wanted to make them inclusive. For instance, the guidance on ovarian and cervical cancer reduced mentions of women, suggesting that the disease affects not only women. The explanation on NHS’s website says that ovarian cancer can affect „women, trans men, non-binary people and intersex people with ovaries”.

Despite the move being seen as inclusive, the removal of gender-specific language was introduced only in guidance on diseases affecting women. The NHS website still offers gender-specific guidance on health issues such as prostate cancer, where multiple mentions of the word „men” appears.

Activists have extended their attempt to erase biological sex to life after death. During the summer, they sought to persuade archaeologists and coroners to disrupt the practice of determining human remains according to gender. Thus, LGBTQ activists attempted to intervene in the scientific study of archaeology and prehistory, wanting to get arheologists to abandon customary classification.

The activists argued that today we don’t know how these people identified themselves during their lifetime. As individuals born hundreds of years ago may have identified as something other than their biological sex, it is wrong to classify remains according to gender.

Forensic investigators and archaeologists have sharply criticised the latest chapter in gender isanity. Archaeology professor Elizabeth Weiss pointed out that „sexing skeletal remains is a critical skill in forensics and any diminishing of this skill will negatively impact criminal investigations, denying the victims and their families justice”. And this is just one among the many examples, the expert added.

Transgenderism appears to gain foothold

In the context of the deceased, a famous historical and religious figure was also labelled as transgender. Michael Banner, the dean of Trinity College, Cambridge, claimed that the view that Jesus may have been transgender was legitimate. The professor stepped in to back up the view presented by a junior fellow research, which has sparked a fierce debate at the university regarding the gender of Christ.

However, the debate regarding gender reassignment and transgenderism mostly revolved around puberty blockers. The debate grew fiercer after several studies on puberty blockers were found to have falsified the test results of the medicines. In a press release in March, researchers at the University of Washington (UW) claimed that gender-affirming care dramatically reduces depression, calling it lifesaving care. “Researchers recently found that gender-affirming care for transgender and nonbinary adolescents caused rates of depression to plummet,” UW Medicine said.

The data, however, shows that there was virtually no improvement in mental health outcomes for the patients receiving gender-affirming care. The press release, which received wide coverage in mainstream media, was false.

The power of the trans lobby has manifested itself not just in exerting influence over research, but also through certain events organised specifically for LGBTQ people. Today, there is one group that trans activists would like to erase, and it’s that of lesbian feminists. The reason is because these lesbians, all born as biological women, regularly speak out against the trans lobby’s efforts to confuse and conflate transgender women with biological females. During one of their peaceful protests, a group of lesbians were asked by police to leave a Pride event in Wales.

Transgender people find certain places very livable because they receive preferential treatment, and also for financial reasons. The city of San Francisco provides financial support to transgender people, in contrast to other sexual minorities. Only residents who identify as transgender can participate in the guaranteed income pilot program launched in the city. The program’s website says that people of colour and native Americans will be prioritised, adding that undocumented residents can also apply.

France also appears to place a heavy emphasis on sensitisation programs, but the events held to that end have triggered a serious backlash in several cases. In early June, a 7-strong Drag Queen ensemble presented a show in the Saint-Guilleaume protestant church in Strasbourg. According to the pastor, the show’s primary goal was to introduce the audience to the feelings of the actors, and it carried the underlying message that „you ought to be what you want to be.”

The local LGBTQ community is very strong in Strasbourg, partly owing to the fact that City Hall provides regular financial support to the La Station LGBTQ association, whose members organise workshops to call the attention of secondary school and senior-grade primary school students to the discrimination experienced by LGBTQ people. The organisation reported on social media that they toured Alsace country with their workshops targeting teenagers, to provide young people with new perspectives on sexual orientation, gender identity, biological sex and discrimination. The association’s volunteers consider this important because these concepts are often unclear to students. La Station’s members emphasized that they were not spreading homosexual propaganda, their work was merely informative.


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The Strasbourg school workshop, however, is not the only sensitisation program financed from taxpayers’ money. In Bordeaux, a city also led by the greens has launched a so-called “cabababyparty” workshop. The session held by Drag Queens targeted children under 3 years of age. The event, which was held by Trafic (an association that enjoys the generous support of the city leadership) received 44 thousand euros from City Hall in 2021, approved by Bordeaux Mayor Pierre Hurmic.

Of course, the list of transvestite workshops organised by the municipalities and designed specifically for children does not end here. In Paris, led by the Socialists, the Louise Michel public library, located in the capital’s 20th district, has been staging such sessions for years. In a statement issued on the occasion of World Transgender Day this November, the French librarians’ association highlighted the fact that libraries have always been allies of transgender people and must remain so.

In Toulouse, curious children and their parents will not be left without sensitising Drag Queen performances, either, as the city’s main library will hold workshops and readings on 18 February, 2023.

This year, transvestites appeared on stage with children in more shows than ever before. In one such event, a scantily dressed person, with only stickers to cover her nipples walked on stage while dollar notes were being tucked in her underwear just like in a strip club. The video featured the text “children belong at drag shows!!!! children deserve to see fun & expression & freedom.”

In the US city of Chattanooga, an event advertised as “family friendly and aimed at children” gave the opportunity to children to perform with the drag queens. Several videos taken at the event shows the organisers having the children watch strongly sexualised TV shows. According to one video, a girl was even encouraged to stroke the crotch area of a transvestite dressed as a mermaid.

In another video published on Twitter, children are encouraged to twerk on stage at a gay rights event in Canada. The clip, recorded on a sunny day in the city centre of Ottawa, features four people as they take turns twerking, while a drag queen is egging them on, and the crowd is cheering. The older one of the two girls appears to be around 12, the other one may be 7 or 8 years old.

Other people’s rights are often disregarded during the protection of trans people’s rights. In Australia, female inmates launched a petition, in which they demanded that the authorities remove of transgender inmates from women’s prisons and place male inmates elsewhere. Inmates and advocates began campaigning for change after a transgender person previously convicted for violence against women had been sent to prison.

The man, who identified as a woman, was placed in the penitentiary facility back on 5 July. Female inmates – concerned about the inmate’s functioning male genitalia and his history of violence against women – say that the biologically male person should not be there. The petition says that many of the prisoners carry significant trauma associated with having been victims of sexual assault or supporting victims, and that on hearing the news, „the mental well-being of many of the women was severely compromised.”

„We feel threatened, unsafe, distressed and traumatised with this current situation.” Therefore, the petitioners demanded the immediate removal of the inmate.

When the transgender inmate pleaded guilty last year in the sexual harassment of a woman, he identified as male. It also turned out that he had also seen the inside of a prison in Europe for sex crimes related to children.

Similar concerns have been raised in women’s prisons in the United States. In one case, a biological male who identifies as a transgender person was recently removed from a jail in New Jersey after he impregnated two female inmates. The trans inmate ended up in a women’s prison because laws in New Jersey allow inmates to decide whether they want to go to a male or a female prison, based on their chosen genders.

The man, after he was removed from the female prison, said that

“they have engaged in sex stereotyping, by assuming that I am a threat to the women whom I had consensual relationships with. This discriminatory logic assumes that I am dangerous simply because of my gender identity.”

The policy change came after the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit against the state in June 2021, demanding that New Jersey allow biological male inmates who identify as female to be housed in women’s prisons. The ACLU lawsuit resulted in several changes to regulations, including requiring prison staff to use inmates’ preferred pronouns, providing them with gender-appropriate clothing and underwear, and making gender reassignment hormones and surgeries available free of charge to all inmates.

In the state of California, more than 260 convicts have requested to be transferred on the grounds of being transgender since the beginning of 2021. Most men usually come out as transgender in order to be transferred to the women’s prison. These convicts are usually heterosexual men who want to live with women in order to have intercourse with them. Anyone who resists will be raped, claims a women’s rights group, citing specific cases.

Earlier, an inmate in a Washington prison said he witnessed a case when some transgender inmates – all born as men, i.e. biological males – had sexually assaulted female prisoners. The men were transferred to women’s prisons after they had identified as transgender. In one such incident, a sleeping female prisoner had a rough awakening, as a man was trying to rape her. The incident was reported to prison staff, who did not mete out any punishment to the transgender convict, fearing that they would be accused of homophobia. In the end, prison authorities decided to dismiss the allegations and, instead of the attacker, they punished the victim, placing her in solitary confinement.



activists, gender ideology, lesbians, lmbtq, trans