Government accelerates naturalisation of migrants despite crime statistics
The largest numbers of those who obtained citizenship in the country in 2021 came from Syria and Turkey. Statistics show that there is a strong correlation between the increase in the number of immigrants and the incidence of crime.
20 per cent more foreigners were naturalised in Germany in 2021 than in the previous year. This means that last year around 131,600 foreigners were granted German citizenship, according to the Federal Statistical Office. Most of them came from Syria, but the German federal government also naturalised large numbers of Turks, Afghans, and Romanians.
Im Jahr 2021 wurden rund 131 600 Ausländerinnen und Ausländer in Deutschland eingebürgert. Das waren rund 20 % mehr als im Vorjahr. Dieser Anstieg ist gut zur Hälfte auf die hohe Zahl an #Einbürgerungen von Syrerinnen und Syrern zurückzuführen. Mehr dazu: https://t.co/ggD5kobE0i pic.twitter.com/308gTB0wTd
— Statistisches Bundesamt (@destatis) June 10, 2022
Demographers recalled that in 2015 and 2016, a record number of migrants arrived in Germany, and under current rules, they can obtain German citizenship after 6 years, provided they meet some requirements, such as a basic command of the German language. As a result, four times as many Syrians will be living in Germany in 2022 as in 2021. The staggering figures have left many people outraged at the policies of the current and previous governments. One commenter on Twitter wrote
„We don’t want the naturalisation of more Muslims who hate us deeply! Stop this naturalisation wave!”
Wir wollen keine weiteren Einbürgerung von Muslimen die uns abgrundtief hassen!Stoppt diese Einbürgerungswelle!
— Siegbert Wolbert (@WolbertSiegbert) June 11, 2022
Another commented that „Germany… is a country that has no identity and makes you feel like a stranger in your own country.”
Deutschland ….
Das Land, das keine eigene Idendität mehr hat.
Und man sich fremd im eigenen Land fühlt.— Südbadischer Rollmops (@Rollmops85) June 11, 2022
As V4NA has already reported, the number of crimes committed by migrants in Germany has constantly been on the rise since 2015. Theft, robbery, anti-Semitic attacks, rape and murder are on the migrants’ list of crimes. A few days ago, a young man of Armenian origin drove his car into passers-by near Breidscheidplatz in Berlin. One person was killed and several others were seriously injured in the attack. Disturbing footage of the incident has been released on the internet.
+++ TERROR NEWS +++#Berlin: Noch ist unklar, ob #Amok-Fahrt oder #Terror–#Anschlag. Eine tote Frau plus 5 lebensgefährlich Verletzte und weitere. Hier ein Video von der Festnahme des Pkw-Fahrers/Täters (29 j, Deutsch-Armenier). #BREITSCHEIDTPLATZ
(siehe Video) pic.twitter.com/o8cYVJVVXS— ★ Radio Deutschland Eins ★ (@DeutschlandEins) June 8, 2022
#Berlin #live Ein Deutsch-Armenier rast mit seinem Auto in die Menge. 1 Toter mehrere Verletzte pic.twitter.com/70gsMDVISL
— miki (@elcartagenese) June 8, 2022
A car plowed onto the pavement & into a store in Berlin, GER this morning. This happened near the spot of a terrorist attack that occurred on Dec. 19, 2016. A teacher has died & 14 of the at least 17 injured were her students. Take a look at the wreckage.pic.twitter.com/5i3UcecezU
— Steve Hanke (@steve_hanke) June 8, 2022
Shortly afterwards, it was revealed that the rampaging driver is a 29-year-old German-Armenian man from Berlin. He was naturalised in Germany in 2015, despite having been detained in a psychiatric institution at the end of 2013 and once in 2014, and still lacking basic German language skills.
„So why was this man naturalised? How can someone with such a bio get German citizenship?”
Beatrix von Storch, deputy spokesperson for the opposition Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) party asked, adding that the government is keeping a low profile, as it has done after all the crimes committed by migrants. „How many of the more than 131,000 new ‘German’ citizens are without basic German language skills but with a significant criminal potential?” the deputy spokesperson asked.
Germany has suffered several serious terrorist attacks in recent years. The worst and deadliest attack took place in December 2016 when a terrorist called Anis Amri killed a Polish truck driver and hijacked his vehicle. Driving the truck at a high speed, Anis Amri crashed into the bustling Christmas market at Breitscheidplatz in Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring more than one hundred. The tragic incident was a deep shock, which still haunts the victims’ families and society as a whole. As the authorities were able to identify the man only 24 hours after the attack, he managed to flee Germany. Five days later, Italian police shot him dead in a suburb of Milan after he opened fire on them during a routine check.
The Tunisian man suspected of carrying out the Berlin truck attack was shot dead by police in Milan, Italy confirmed (reports AFP) pic.twitter.com/addBrDC5y9
— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) December 26, 2016
On 24 July, a few months before the massacre in the capital, a deadly terrorist attack took place in the town of Ansbach in Bavaria where a 27-year-old Syrian asylum seeker committed a suicide bombing. The attacker intended to blow up an explosive device at Ansbach’s music festival attended by an audience of 2500. As he did not have a ticket and was denied access, he blew himself up at the entrance, injuring 12 people, 3 of them seriously.
BREAKING: #Ansbach explosion – Syrian asylum seeker killed by own bomb https://t.co/IQBYxsNCXU pic.twitter.com/fvIW11Y4BZ
— BBC Breakfast (@BBCBreakfast) July 25, 2016
Also in 2016, Wurzburg was the scene of a terrorist attack. At around 9:15 pm, a 17-year-old Afghan teenager wielding a hatchet attacked passengers on a train shouting Allahu Akbar, according to eyewitnesses. In the Wurzburg attack 20 people were injured, three were seriously hurt. The train was halted at Heidingsfeld where the perpetrator got off, injured another person and tried to flee. He even attacked the police unit dispatched to arrest him, before police shot him. After the incident, investigators found a handmade flag with the logo of the Islamic State terrorist organisation in his room. According to his farewell letter, the attacker wanted to take revenge on the „infidels” for the death of a friend in Afghanistan.
Reported over 20 people’ve been injured in attack on a train in #Germany Würzburg-Heidingsfeld, police shot suspect. pic.twitter.com/R7N6cmPzOk
— Sultan Gencer (@gencersultan) July 18, 2016
Wurzburg was also the scene of another terrorist attack. In 2021, a Somali man stabbed several people in the street in broad daylight. The migrant simply walked into a supermarket where he stole a knife. Then he went out into the street and started killing. Witnesses said they heard the terrorist shouting „Allahu Akbar” during the attack. He killed 3 people and injured at least 15 others. It turns out, he had also arrived in Germany amidst the massive migration wave in 2015.
#Würzburg: The male suspect in the Würzburg mass stabbing incident is reported to have been shot by responding police officers. pic.twitter.com/r59SrK4ohB
— I.E.N. (@BreakingIEN) June 25, 2021
Multiple people wounded following stabbing rampage in central #Würzburg, #Germany. The suspect is in custody. pic.twitter.com/dnwvHhCkOi
— JihadiThreatMonitor (@jihadi_threat) June 25, 2021
A year earlier, a terrorist knife attack took place in Dresden. Two tourists from the western part of Germany were attacked in the centre of Saxony’s capital on 4 October. One of them, a 55-year-old man from Krefeld died of his injuries in hospital, his partner, a 53-year-old man from Cologne, survived the attack. It was revealed that the attacker had an extensive criminal record and was a follower of the Islamic State terrorist organisation. He was released from juvenile prison in Regis-Breitingen, about 50 kilometres from Dresden, on 29 September, just a few days before the deadly stabbing.
20 y/o #Syria|n jihadist arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder: police.
The suspect allegedly stabbed two men in #Dresden on October 4, killing a 55 y/o, wounding a 53 y/o.
Follow @PolizeiSachsen for verified information (🇩🇪).https://t.co/ti5hAnnpiq
1/2 pic.twitter.com/oHk2VAhetF— Daniel H. Heinke (@daniel_heinke) October 21, 2020