How globalists pushed Europe into decline

Freedom-loving Europe is calling for a joint effort to restore the continent to its former greatness. "Let’s Make Europe Great Again," their motto says.

POLITICS FEBRUARY 13. 2025 16:11

Our European continent, the cradle of modern civilization, needs a new spirit of rebirth, wrote Heinz-Christian Strache, Austria’s former vice-chancellor and leader of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), in his opinion piece. In his view, this new spirit is based on our traditional values, our culture, our identity, European diversity and enhanced cooperation with all partners abroad who share and support these values of Western civilisation.

„We welcome – unlike the left-wing European movements – the new American president, Donald Trump, because he brings hope not just to the United States but also to Europe. Both the United States and Europe hope that democratic political changes will revive their conservative values and traditions, which are anathema to leftist ideologues,”

he said. He argued that leftist globalist destroyers flooded Europe with illegal migrants, driving the continent into cultural and moral decline. „Europe is now in ruins, even in terms of economic policy. Those responsible, with their leftist policies, also brought anti-Semitism into Europe. They have led Western Europe into a situation where we risk becoming strangers in our own land. These same people have brought us to the brink of a potential nuclear war by boycotting and rejecting possible diplomatic means of resolving the conflict in the Russia-Ukraine war. Furthermore, they exacerbated the situation with more and more arms shipments. The Russia-Ukraine war could have been thwarted, and escalation could have been prevented,” he stressed.

„Today we all know that the war in Ukraine could have been prevented,”

Strache pointed out. He argued that it is also clear the war could have ended just as quickly as it began. „Barely two months after the brutal war broke out, a peace treaty could have been negotiated in Turkey. Unfortunately, Boris Johnson and US President Biden torpedoed and blocked these efforts,” he added.

„Instead, globalist leftists, self-proclaimed liberals and socialists in Europe pushed for further escalation, more arms deliveries, and the threat of nuclear conflict,”

he recalled. Strache stressed that a neutral Austria could play a crucial role in promoting peace in Europe and could act as a mediator. A large number of national or patriotic thinkers, parties and citizens’ movements across Europe support this cause. This is what unites them, Austria’s former vice-chancellor concluded his remarks.



austria, eu, europe, fpö, war