Ending the EU madness
Criticism of the flawed decisions taken by Brussels in recent years is growing louder across Europe. People in a rapidly increasing number of countries feel that these ideologically driven measures have decimated the European economy.
„You have created new taxes for Europeans and don’t even hide that they are to finance the debts amassed in the previous years. Why is everything more expensive? Because of their investment in the green transition, our economy is less competitive, and the lives of residents will be more difficult and expensive, said Patryk Jaki, a Polish member of the European Parliament, at the session meeting on Tuesday.
Tusk klepie nowe podatki europejskie, których największe koszty poniesie Polska.
Zielone szaleństwo, które tylko podnosi nam koszty życia i wchodzi teraz w samochody oraz mieszkania niszczy konkurencyjność europejskiej gospodarki.
Najbliższe wybory do PE są szansą, aby to… pic.twitter.com/9NnJp9zlfy— Patryk Jaki – MEP (@PatrykJaki) February 6, 2024
„The worst part is that countries like Poland, which you are forcing into this green transition, can expect to pay most of the cost of these new taxes because your Tusk is a yes-man,”
said Jaki, outlining the biggest stakes of the upcoming European Parliamentary elections. He believes that with the vote, Europe will have the opportunity to correct all the mistakes of the past years.
„The upcoming elections are a chance for all Europeans to reject this green, ludicrous ideology that is making us increasingly vulnerable and enabling other continents to overtake us economically,”
he said, noting that the crazy ideology touted by Brussels is causing companies that relocated here from other continents to flee Europe in droves. According to Jaki, the Europeans must take full advantage of this opportunity now, otherwise Europe will sink ever deeper..
Brussels overstepping every boundary
„The ideologically driven climate fanaticism of the EU Commission president is taking on increasingly ridiculous features,” Austrian MEP Roman Haider commented on the climate plans presented by the European Commission on Tuesday. According to Haider, instead of „finally consigning the disastrous Green Deal to the dustbin of history, the madness will continue to escalate”.
„In order to reduce CO2 emissions in 2040 by 90 per cent compared to 1990, Ursula von der Leyen will bring Europeans the next huge wave of inflation. The extension of carbon pricing to the agricultural sector is only the tip of this iceberg of cruelty. The existing measures are already making food more expensive. The destruction of European agriculture is being accelerated by a series of additional measures,”
the Austrian Freedom party (FPO) politician says, adding that meat will soon become a luxury item only the wealthy can afford. The reforms of the energy tax directive will drive energy prices to further, previously unimagined heights. “We should not forget that as of 2027, the building and transport sectors will be included in the EU emissions trading system. This step alone will increase prices in the EU enormously,” said Haider.
“Life is becoming unaffordable for citizens. The economy is no longer competitive. The economic foundations of Europe are being destroyed. Von der Leyen’s ridiculous climate fanaticism is leading Europe into the abyss. I can only hope that the coming EU elections will bring about a change to end this madness. Von der Leyen and her ‘Green Deal’ have to go if Europe is to have a future,”
concludes the Austrian MEP.