With migrants come contagious diseases

With migrants come contagious diseases

A serious consequence of unbridled migration has recently been highlighted.

WORLD JUNE 5. 2024 18:23

Former President Donald Trump recently warned that migrants crossing the US-Mexico border are bringing in extremely infectious diseases with them.

„They come in as terrorists. Many, many terrorists come in and people come in with highly contagious diseases.”

Trump told New York radio station WABC in an interview. Trump has previously drawn attention to the re-emergence of diseases and epidemics in the United States that were long thought to have been eradicated. In an interview for The National Pulse newspaper, he said that illegal immigrants were poisoning the country. He repeated this claim in December at a rally in New Hampshire.

As V4NA previously reported, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly acknowledged that migrants do indeed carry infectious diseases more often than the indigenous population. The problem, according to the WHO statement, is that most migrants are not properly vaccinated against the diseases. This statement was sought to be tempered by the fact that the likelihood of them infecting the populations of host countries is not very high, as they are generally well separated from them, the organisation pointed out. But at the time, reports of such cases were skyrocketing. In Sweden, for example, there has been a steady increase in cases of Leishmaniasis, which is mainly indigenous to Africa and the Mediterranean. According to a Swedish university, the rise in cases was mainly due to the 2015 migrant influx.

In 2019, in the Schaarbeek district of Brussels, which has a significant Muslim migrant population, the then Mayor Bernard Clerfayt, ordered an investigation after reports of various infectious diseases cropping up at Brussels North Station. Local bus drivers refused to stop at all at the station for fear of coming into contact with the diseases. Tuberculosis, scabies and malaria were also reportedly found at the station.



desease, europe, migrant, usa