Woke to Sweep Through Polish Schools

There have been periods in history when religion was expelled from schools, crosses were taken down, Catholics were persecuted, and priests were murdered. Poland may now be on the verge of experiencing such a period once again.

POLITICS JUNE 26. 2024 12:09

Poland’s national curriculum should weigh heavily in areas of identity and nationality, writes Marzena Nykiel, a political commentator on the Polish Wpolityce news site. Instead, it is rich in all types of pseudo-knowledge and aims to create a “progressive cosmopolitan” under Donald Tusk’s left-wing government, all without any moral constraints. Ms Nykiel highlighted that in such circumstances, there is no place for religion classes, at least in the view of the Polish government, which would gladly replace religious education with sexual enlightenment and gender lobbying. The education ministry will push for this with the same determination as the country’s health minister advocates for making morning-after pills available over-the-counter to 15-year-olds. She added:

“With similar determination, the LGBTQ activists currently in ministerial positions will introduce hate speech regulations so stringent that any expression of common sense can be prosecuted as a crime.”

According to the author, the neo-Marxist attack on Poland’s cultural heritage and national identity has rapidly accelerated – dismantling state structures, destroying laws, demoralising society, ruining education, desecrating the church and weakening its influence, and trampling on authority.

Marzena Nykiel finds it incomprehensible why Donald Tusk’s government is so determined to steer the country towards atheism. She pointed out:

The Bolsheviks already recognised that state education is a powerful tool for shaping a new communist mentality. The methods they devised for transforming education are still meticulously applied today in the name of enlightenment freedom and global progress. Latin and philosophy thus gradually disappeared from state schools, and theories took a new direction, where the postmodern approach to education and upbringing increasingly distorted the school’s functions. In 2008, Professor Magdalena Środa, with the full agreement of the Polish Teachers’ Union, outlined a new vision for education aimed at opposing Christian ethical norms and eliminating the reproduction of “patriotic stereotypes.”

She argued that the most crucial task of liberal reform is to shape a new vision of society, which should be implemented in new school curricula,

– recalled Marzena Nykiel, adding that this vision appears to be is entering Polish reality rather vigorously. However, cosmopolitanism is not enough, as genderism and the woke movement are also gaining ground.



donald tusk, lgbt, poland