Europe wrangles in assisted suicide
Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala's center-left government helped approve the pro-migration pact, triggering sharp criticism from the opposition led by former PM Andrej Babis.
„I’m going to say it bluntly here and I’m not afraid of it. Mass illegal migration of people with a completely different culture, customs and mentality is a cancer that is destroying European society,” former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis told lawmakers in Czechia’s parliament.
„If we do not start doing something about this insidious disease, in a few years the Czech Republic may find itself in the same situation as France, Germany, the Netherlands, Britain, Italy, or Sweden,”
– he added. Mr Babis recalled that the center-left Czech government of Petr Fiala helped approve the pro-migration pact, and that this has triggered sharp criticism from the opposition led by him. Mr Babis argued that the pact will lead to a wave of immigration from the Middle East and Africa to Czechia.
„The migration pact is not a medicine that will cure the European Union, but a poison used for the assisted suicide of Europe and its culture. The rejection of migrants from a completely different cultural environment is not a manifestation of a lack of solidarity, but an instinct for self-preservation,”
– said Mr Babis, who also warned that migrant quotas are coming to Czechia, which will force the country to accept thousands of newcomers. The migration pact was negotiated and pushed through by the Fiala government during the Czech EU Presidency and passed through the European Parliament last week. The vote on this monstrous agreement „contains hidden refugee quotas and obliges the Czech Republic to accept migrants from Africa and the Middle East, exactly as Brussels envisages, which could change our country beyond recognition in a few years. Without any exaggeration, Fiala and Rakusan have traded our security, culture and way of life for uncontrolled migration, an explosion of crime and the disintegration of our society, just as is happening in many countries in Western Europe today,” Mr Babis said. He then came close to describing the ruling Czech government and its coalition parties as traitors who are selling out their own country to moneyed pro-immigration interests. He said:
„They do not want to get into the European Parliament to work and defend Czech national interests, but the interests of their wallets. They will not hesitate to throw their own country into the trough of Brussels. These people are capable of lying outright with a straight face.”
The government responded to criticisms by saying it believes that “rational” solutions are needed, rather than the “fear-mongering” from the opposition. Interior Minister Vít Rakusan said there is no real reason to fear migration in the Czech Republic, where he claimed only 111 foreigners are currently staying in reception centers.
„For God’s sake, on what planet, in what solar system, in what galaxy, in what universe, in what dimension, does this person live, whose only interest is to grab any euro credit for himself, so that he can run out of money and spend public money on stupid things?
– Ms Babis asked. He then went on to list major crimes committed by migrants and a range of statistics that support his position that mass immigration is dangerous and will slam Czechia. Since 2015, at least 8,000 women have been victims of sexual assault by migrants in Germany. This is the official number because, according to statistics, 85 percent of women who are assaulted will not report sexual violence at all. Additionally, the immigrants, especially Syrians, Afghans and Pakistanis, are four times more likely to commit sexual assaults in proportion to their representation in the German population, and even five times more likely to commit rape. Sweden has faced a similar epidemic of violence against women for years, where 60 percent of perpetrators of rapes are of migrant origin. „It’s not just sexual violence, street flghts, wars, foreign gangs or murder on the streets of French, British, German, Italian and Swedish cities that is such a daily occurrence,” Mr Babis said.