Some wouldn't put it in their mouths – Ukraine's funny pastry chef unfazed by horrors of war

One could say, to put it mildly, that the chef has managed to find a niche market with his genital-shaped cakes.

WORLD AUGUST 11. 2023 12:43

While the war rages in eastern Ukraine, in the west of the country, cakes in the shape of penises and vaginas are being baked. In Lviv, the cultural capital of Ukraine, a scandal has erupted after a local confectionery shop has found a niche, albeit genital-shaped niche, on the cake market.

Ukrainian pastry shop comes up with new cakes

Customers can choose between chocolate penises and jam vaginas at Prutenybe

The confectionery’s assortment has proved to be decisive

The Pruteny Bakery and Confectionery in downtown Lviv has posted its unusual selection on Instagram and Facebook. The pink menu offers four kinds of flavoured male-shaped cakes and six kinds of female cakes. The artistic names for the phallus cakes are: coconut wrapper, pink hawk, little buddy in chocolate, and the last drop. The names for the women’s delicacies are, rather tellingly: velvet veil, strawberry luxury, bug under the cupboard, hot milf, fruity orgasm and strawberry lips.

Since social criticism is the best publicity, the small confectionery in Lemberg has become an overnight national sensation. Rising from the depression of war, their unusual menu has brought smiles to many faces. Some, however, were outraged and protested, saying that now was not the time for jokes.

One woman from Lemberg, for example, was up in arms because the name of the pastry shop was, in her opinion, a nickname for „penis” in Armenian.

It is outrageous that they also sell cakes in the shape of human genitals. It is an offence to public morals, because I have two children and I cannot imagine that they, or any other civilised person, would put such a thing in their mouths, she added.

Many demand the closure of the confectionery

Others, of course, like the unusual sweets. One woman, for example, defends the confectionery by saying that more cafés and striptease bars should be closed in the city, where everything is becoming a nuisance. As a piece of advice, she adds that no one is compelled to visit this café in the company of children.




cake, ukraine, war