Church opens exhibition with pornographic images

An exhibition displaying the works of Rosa von Praunheim, a well-known homosexual artist, LGBTQ activist and filmmaker, has been temporarily closed at the Lutheran Church of St Giles in Nuremberg following a flood of complaints from believers.

WORLD JULY 27. 2023 13:01

The exhibition dubbed „Jesus Loves” began as part of the so-called „pride week” in Nuremberg, which kicked off on 20 July, the local daily Nurbenger Nachrichten reports. The paintings on display „focus on important themes”, such as „religion, sexuality, homo-eroticism, love and death from the church’s perspective”, local pastor Thomas Zeitler has said. This is why the Nuremberg deanery has decided to exhibit the art pieces and to begin to cooperate with artist Rosa von Praunheim.

However, members of the congregation complained that the exhibition is pure „pornography” and „blasphemy”, the German Idea news portal points out.

One of the paintings depicts Christ with angels, with a homosexual couple having intercourse right next to them, and the caption reads: „Fucking for Peace”.

Other images include penises and Pope Benedict XVI. One „creation” shows an entire orgy of men pleasuring themselves and each other.

In the end, the decision to shut down the exhibition has triggered heated criticism, according to spokesman Joachim Baumgardt, who explained that they have received thousands of complaints. Many people were outraged on social media, calling the scandalous exhibition madness and blasphemy.

Critics like media expert Norbert Bolz believe that the Evangelical Church in Germany, which has become a branch of the party, has basically been under the control of the Greens for some time now. For example, Katrin Goring-Eckardt, the Greens’ representative in the Bundestag, was president of the synod of the Evangelical Church between 2009 and 2013, the Polish wPolityce news portal recalls. They add that , in light of this, it comes as little surprise that Ms Goring-Eckardt has become a main proponent of green, liberal ideologies.

They note that in recent years, the biennial Church Days event of German evangelicals has featured programs such as a Muslim cabaret, dancing against „right-wing extremism”, painting coloured vaginas (without men), and debates on the looming climate catastrophe facing humanity.

However, they have also held workshops with titles such as „On female sexuality – How to achieve orgasm more easily”, or „Feeling God’s blessing during sex change”.



church, germany, lgbt