BLM leader calls white peope sub-human genetic defects

A co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement has described white people as sub-human, recessive genetic defects. The activist attempted to use a genetic explanation involving melanin production, a primary determinant of skin colour, to support her argumentation.

WORLD JULY 7. 2020 11:00

A shocking social media post has resurfaced from Yusra Khogali, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto. In her original entry shared on Facebook, she argues that white people are sub-human, recessive genetic defects. In an attempt to justify her theory, she proveides a genetic explanation involving melanin production, a primary determinant of skin, hair and eye colour.

The number of melanin-producing melanocytes are roughly the same in all people, but they produce different amounts of pigments, leading to variations in skin colour.

The activist s post has now gone viral after it was shared on Twitter by scholar James Lindsay. Khogali s post says white people have a higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors which suppresses melanin production, and that s what makes them genetic defects. She points out that melamin is important for a number of things such as strong bones, fertility and conception, our nervous system and intelligence, and it also directly communicates with cosmic energy. As white people produce less melamin, so these qualities are absent in them, she concludes.

Although Yusra Khogali s recent post has provoked a general outcry, this is not the first time the activist has shared her cntroversial statements. In 2016, she tweeted: „Plz Allah give me the strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today.” Back then, the BLM co-founder argued that she wrote that tweet out of anger, adding that she was sorry that it had become a bigger media story than her BLM movement s accomplishments.



biology, black lives matter, co-founder, genetics, melanin, racism, social media, sub-human, white people