Full-scale offensive: Pride Week for children
Throughout the week, the public library in a Swedish town is hosting LGBTQ-themed workshops and book presentations for children and teenagers. The local library is decked in rainbow colours and is promoting an astonishing array of LGBTQ storybooks and youth novels.
Malmo and Copenhagen launched WorldPride 2021, a ten-day series of events, on Thursday. Marking the occasion, the library in Simrishamn, a small town in Sweden, is hosting its own Pride Week targeting children. The library boasts on social media that although they always show support for LGBTQ issues and inclusion, for this year‘s Pride they are offering something special, the Swedish news portal Samnytt reported.
The photos shared in the post show how the library is being decorated with rainbow colours and what a
vast number of LGBTQ-themed books for children and youth they have compiled.
During the library’s Pride week, children and teenagers can also enjoy crafts activities and presentations.
Librarian Johanna Ekstrom, speaking to Sweden’s public radio (P4), talked about “rainbow-friendly” books and even corrected the reporter when she used an incorrect pronoun for the protagonist of one of the books.
She says that the book in question is about a character who feels he doesn’t fit into general norms, adding that the book is for children aged 6-9, who can feel the same way.