Polish MEP: EU elite speaks a language of hypocracy

Polish MEP: EU elite speaks a language of hypocracy

An MEP of Poland's ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party who has, among other statements, voiced direct and sharp criticism of the EU's institution system, evokes mass outrage among leftist-liberal politicians.

English POLITIKA 2022. NOVEMBER 28. 16:03

“The bitter truth is that the European Parliament has done a lot of damage in Europe. It has been sending the false message that it represents the European demos. There isn’t and there won’t be a European demos,” said Polish MEP Ryszard Legutko, the group leader of the European Conservatives and Reformers, in his speech in Strasbourg on Tuesday, at a meeting commemorating the foundation of the predecessor of the European Parliament, the European Coal and Steel Community 70 years ago, in 1952.

According to Mr Legutko, “parliament has infected Europe with shameless partisanship, and the infection became so contagious that it spread to other institutions such as the European Commission. The EP has abandoned the basic function of representing people, and instead it has become a machine to implement the so-called European Project, thus alienating millions of voters.”

The left-liberal majority was so infuriated that they erupted in loud shouts and mocking applause, whilst booing and whistling during the MEP’s speech. Mr Legutko was not in the least surprised by this reaction, as this is how the leftist-liberal side usually behaves when they hear dissenting opinions, he told a Polish newspaper.

Typically, the representatives of the EU have always liked to talk about themselves or the Union in such a conceited manner. I thought that, taking the opportunity of having so many people in the session room, it would be worthwhile to say a few things that are quite obvious. I didn’t say anything that was deeply hidden, after all. Of course they reacted angrily because I went against the tone of ‘how great we are’,”

Mr Legutko said, adding that it was rather telling that no one could present a counterargument, „my speech only drew shouting and booing.” The Polish MEP also noted that the language used by the elite is extremely hypocritical. At the session in question,

there were three prime ministers who spoke highly about diversity, and all of a sudden a guy comes along who has a different opinion and they go mad – stomping, booing and insulting. Talking about diversity is a lie. There is uniformity, unanimity, conformity. So you just have to somehow break through this deceitful language and show how things are,”

he said.



ez, hypocrisy, poland