Tens of thousands attend Pope Francis's Holy Mass in Budapest

Tens of thousands attend Pope Francis's Holy Mass in Budapest

The Holy Mass that began at 9.30am represents the pinnacle of the Pontiff's three-day apostolic visit to Hungary.

English NAGYVILÁG 2023. ÁPRILIS 30. 13:53

Worshipers were allowed entry into a designated part of the square in front of the Parliament since early dawn. Those who arrived later could follow the ceremony on projectors and speakers from the surrounding streets.

„I have come that they may have life and be abundant. This is what a good shepherd does: He gives his life for his sheep. Jesus, then, like a shepherd seeking his flock, came to look for us when we were lost; he came as a shepherd to snatch us from death; as a shepherd who knows and loves his sheep with infinite tenderness – who led us into the Father’s flock and made us his children. So let us contemplate the image of the Good Shepherd and dwell on the two actions that the Gospel tells us he does for his sheep: First he calls them by name and then he leads them out,”

Pope Francis began his homily, then continued: It is not us who are standing at the beginning of the story of our salvation.

Hungarian State News Agency (MTI)

The starting point is God’s call, his longing to reach us, his concern for us, the abundance of his mercy to save us from sin and death, to give us life in abundance and endless joy. Jesus came as the good shepherd of humanity to call us by name and lead us home.”

We can therefore remember with gratitude the love Jesus showed for us even when we were distant from him, the Pope stressed. While we all, like sheep, were going astray, each going our own way, Jesus took upon himself our weaknesses and carried the burden of our sins to bring us back to the Father’s heart, he highlighted.

„You were like sheep going astray, but now you have turned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls,”

Pope Francis quoted St Peter from today’s reading.

Hungarian State News Agency (MTI)

Even today, „in all the situations of our lives, in all that weighs on our hearts, in our losses, in our fears, in the sense of defeat that sometimes comes over us, in the prison of sadness that threatens to take away our freedom, He beckons us. He comes as a good shepherd and calls us by name to tell us how precious we are in His eyes. He comes to heal our wounds and to take upon Himself our weaknesses, to call us to unity in His flock and to know the Father and one another,” the Pontiff emphasized.

„We are all called to foster the bonds of fraternity and cooperation, without division, without seeing our community as our own property, without being preoccupied with the defence of our own territory, but opening ourselves to mutual love,” the Head of Church said. „Let us encourage ourselves to increasingly be open doors,” he added.

„Let the Lord of life into our hearts, and then let us step out and become an open door in society ourselves. Let us be open and welcoming to one another, to help Hungary grow on the path of brotherhood and peace,” Pope Francis said during his Holy Mass in Budapest on Sunday.



budapest, Hungary, pope francis