PM Orban: Hungary closes borders to passenger traffic

Hungary is closing down its borders to passenger traffic while international talks regarding the closure are under way, Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced in the Hungarian parliament ahead of Monday s regular session. Starting now, only Hungarian citizens will be allowed to enter Hungary, Mr Orban said, adding that Hungary needs joint action and national unity in the fight against the coronavirus disease.

English HOT 2020. MÁRCIUS 16. 11:50

The prime minister emphasized that we have the best chance if we can work together. Fighting the coronavirus epidemic will be a long and difficult process and life will not be the same in the coming months, he added. 

Viktor Orban stressed that the work of healthcare and law enforcement employees will be of utmost importance in the coming period. He expressed his gratitude for their efforts and asked people to support their work.

English HOT


border, coronavirus, Hungary, viktor orban