Film drama to mark 100th anniversary of Trianon Peace Treaty

For Hungary, choosing between accepting the peace treaty or refusing to sign it would be tantamount to "having to ask itself if it should rather commit suicide so as not to die," Count Albert Apponyi said in his famous speech a hundred years ago, as head of the Trianon peace delegation. The centenary of signing the peace dictate will, among others, be marked by a new historical drama titled The Speech, providing a dramatised, historically authentic, cinematic reconstruction of Count Apponyi s address.

English KULTÚRA 2020. MÁJUS 30. 13:53

Through the cinematic version of the speech, the filmmakers goal was to provide a deeply personal picture on what the signing of the Trianon Peace Treaty meant for the Hungarian statesmen and people. A hundred years ago, the state declared a day of national mourning as bells rang out and the national flag was lowered to half-mast. After losing World War I, the Hungarian peace delegation signed the treaty of Trianon, one of the most traumatic episodes of Hungarian history.




apponyi, drama, film, history, Hungary, trianon, trianon 100