How far can you go in praising the Nazi leader?

Seeking answers to this question, V4NA wrote a letter to several leading politicians in Brussels who consider themselves democrats. We are now publishing our letter addressed to three leading politicians and we look forward to a reply from them, and others.

English POLITIKA 2020. JÚNIUS 30. 12:02

Where are the limits of tolerance in the European Union? Is it possible to speak highly of Hitler s merits and applaud the Nazi leader with impunity?

Speaking in Budapest, a leading politician of an EP party said Hitler s abilities and deeds should be acknowledged, adding that te Nazi leader deserved to be named Person of the Year in 1938 by the Time magazine.

As Brussels remains silent about how such a statement is compatible with European values, V4NA wrote a letter to European People s Party President Donald Tusk, European Parliament President David Sassoli and Iratxe Garcia Perez, leader of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, the political group where the party of the Hitler-praising politician also belongs to.

We generally asked what they think about statements praising and applauding Hitler. We inquired if they thought Hitler really deserved to be named Time s Person of the Year in 1938. We wanted to know if they believe a politician who applauds Hitler has a place in European politics, and if they think that a party which fails to expel such a politician from its ranks can remain in European politics. V4NA also asked Europe s leading politicians how long they thought they could remain silent without articulating their opinion on the issue.



european parliament, hitler, letter, politics, v4na