Enemies of former Communist regime receive pension contributions

Polish President Andrzej Duda has approved a special retirement contribution for Polish pensioners who fought against the oppressive regime during the Communist era. The decision affects around 10 thousand pensioners.

English POLITIKA 2020. SZEPTEMBER 1. 18:16

On Sunday Polish President Andrzej Duda signed a draft legislation to provide additional retirement contributions to Polish pensioners who are known to have fought against the Communist regime. „The law is designed to compensate those who are confirmed to have been opposition or anti-Communism activists, those who were persecuted and whose monthy pension does not reach 2,400 PLN (€545),” he said.

The law provides additional benefits to pensioners and former dissidents, allowing them to use the country s public transport system with a fifty per cent discount, or even cheaper. It also allows those who are not eligible to receive proper state pension but have a confirmed anti-Communist past to benefit from Poland s social security scheme.

According to estimates put forward by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, the law will likely affect around 10 thousand people who – because of their active fight for an independent Poland – have been unable to earn a constant, steady wage, making them ineligible for state pension.



activist, communism, pension, poland