Igor Matovic: Freedom means responsibility

Return to maximum responsibility and solidarity with the most vulnerable, this is what Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic drew people’s attention to on his social media page reacting to the latest coronavirus data. Mr Matovic pointed out that in the first wave of the coronavirus epidemic Slovakia performed well also at the European level. “We won, because we trusted each other, we complied with the rules, adhered to the hygiene rules and wore face masks as prescribed, these were our most important weapons,” he stated.

English POLITIKA 2020. SZEPTEMBER 19. 14:32

Igor Matovic noted that even during the first wave of the pandemic there were people who disagreed with the restrictions, but the vast majority was much more responsible.

„Today, however, the situation is getting more critical. The number of irresponsible people is rising, even among the otherwise sensible ones, hence the number of coronavirus cases is also increasing,” Mr Matovic said. He added that the number of cases is growing at a significantly lower rate than in the Czech Republic, and only a few die, „but for how long?”

„We know the answer. As long as regional hygienists can handle the search for positive contacts. After that, the situation will get out of control,” and they are already on the verge of that, the premier added.

„The only thing that can help us is to return to the old attitude we had during the first wave, when the whole of Europe envied our results, return to maximum responsibility and solidarity with the most vulnerable.

In other words, you reap what you sow.

„If we choose the utmost caution and responsibility, we will have a relatively free life despite the pandemic. If irresponsibility wins us over, we will deprive ourselves of freedom,” and in this case, he will not be able to convince the crisis team to provide more freedom for cultural and sport events or weddings.

„PS: Freedom means responsibility,” the Slovak prime minister concluded.



coronavirus, igor matovic, Slovakia