George Soros dictates to Brussels, again

No sooner had the EU adopted a new decision on the protection of human rights than an army of organisations linked to George Soros issued a barrage of recommendations to the Commission on how to amend it.

English POLITIKA 2020. DECEMBER 8. 15:55

Several organisations that can be linked to George Soros have formulated recommendations for the European Union to consider in connection with its decision on establishing a global human rights sanctions regime.

The EU adopted a new sanctions regime on Monday to tackle more effectively crimes against humanity, genocide, torture and similar human rights violations. The new measures will forbid making payments to individuals and entities put on the sanctions list for committing violations or abuses.

15 organisations, including Open Society, Transparency International and Global Witness, prepared a proposal calling on the EU to extend the regulation to corrupt state actors to reduce the number of „dirty deals” they make. „Corruption sustains the financial and political power of kleptocrats and human rights abusers and strips away public funds from the people,” the call says.

Organisations that can be linked to the American stock market speculator frequently give advice and write reports to European Union institutions, and George Soros himself regularly shares his thoughts on Europe. In November, he launched an open attack against Poland and Hungary and called on Europe to punish the two member states. A few weeks later, he revisited his plan for issuing perpetual bonds in light of the budget veto.



funds, ngo, open society, soros