Hungary and Poland will not give in to blackmail

There is a two-front war for the future of Hungary and the Hungarian people. The most important battle is against the coronavirus, while the other one takes place on the European scene, Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga wrote on social media. Regarding the latter, she said Hungary and Poland have learned throughout their common history that they should never give in to blackmail. "We will not give in this time, either," she added.

English POLITIKA 2020. DECEMBER 9. 13:14

„The most important battle we are fighting is against the coronavirus, as nothing can come before protecting the health, life and jobs of the Hungarian people! If everyone adheres to the restrictions necessary for the defense, we hope – with the help of the vaccine to be available by that time – that life can return to normal in the foreseeable future,” the justice minister wrote.

„We are fighting the other battle for the future of Hungarians on the European scene,” she added.

Judit Varga emphasized that „Poland and Hungary have learnt throughout their common history” that they should never give in to blackmail. We will not give in this time either, as it is the sovereignty of our countries that is at stake, she wrote.

Contrary to all the claims, it is not us who would violate the text of the EU treaties, it is not us who would like to disregard the compromise reached in the summer, and it is not us who want to use the rule of law pretext to determine what migration policy member states should pursue. This is something that EU institutions and member states – with federal policy carved on their banners – would do.  We believe in a strong Europe built on strong, sovereign nation states.

Hungarians and our Polish friends will make our utmost for Europe to remain European, Christian, and free. Long live the one-thousand-year-old Polish-Hungarian friendship!”




coronavirus, eu budget, Hungary, judit varga, ministry of justice, poland, rule of law