Peter Szijjarto: Grazie, Matteo!

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade in a Facebook post Saturday, stands by former Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, who goes on trial in Palermo for having denied Lampedusa docking to a civilian ship ferrying illegal migrants.

English POLITIKA 2021. JANUÁR 9. 08:45

„Today, former Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, leader of the Lega party, is to appear in court again. The reason: Salvini did not automatically allow a ship engaged in human smuggling with 163 illegal migrants on board to dock in 2019,” writes the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Peter Szijjarto, in a post on Saturday morning. Szijjarto explains that Salvini, „was defending his homeland and defending Europe. For this they take him to court. Is this rational?”

According to the Hungarian foreign minister, all of Europe should be grateful to Salvini for trying to stop the violation of European borders and the disregard for European laws.

Szijjarto closes the post with, „Grazie Matteo!”

Salvini, leader of the Lega party, stands trial today in the bunker chamber of the Palermo prison. Charges were brought against him because in August 2019, as interior minister, he denied automatic docking rights in Southern Italy to the Open Arms civilian ship with over 160 illegal migrants on board.

Some of those migrants have filed a civil lawsuit against Salvini from Germany.

As a result of Salvini s action, the civilian ship Open Arms waited twenty-one days off the shore of Lampedusa Island. Minors „travelling” unaccompanied and those needing medical attention were allowed to disembark on arrival of the ship, but all others had to remain on board.

The Sicilian Public Prosecutor s Office initiated legal action against Salvini. According to the prosecutor, the former interior minister abused his power on several counts when he prevented docking of the Open Arms for seven days.



illegal migration, italy, matteo salvini, open arms, péter szijjártó