Number of asylum seekers hits four-year high

Number of asylum seekers hits four-year high

The number of asylum applications in Germany last year has reached a record high since 2017. Many compare the current situation to the migrant wave nearly seven years ago.

English NAGYVILÁG 2022. JANUÁR 16. 10:12

As experts have repeatedly pointed out, the coronavirus pandemic has yet again led to a surge in the number of people leaving their homes. Last year saw the highest number of asylum applications in Germany since 2017, a recent report reveals. The former record was almost broken, with more than 190,000 applications registered in 2021 compared to around 220,000 four years earlier, according to data published by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt fur Migration und Fluchtlinge – BAMF).

A legtöbben tavaly is Szíriából szerettek volna letelepedni, az arab országból több mint 70 ezren költöznének Németországba. Az afgán menekültek száma is drasztikusan megnőtt, ami a nemrég kezdődött radikális tálib uralomnak köszönhető. Emellett jelentős számú észak-macedón és koszovói menekült nyújtott be kérelmet. A bevándorlók integrációja ugyanakkor nem volt olyan sikeres, mint ahogy azt korábban remélték. A Szövetségi Munkaügyi Hivatal statisztikájából (Bundesagentur für Arbeit – BA) az derül ki, hogy

The highest number of applications, 70.000, was once again submitted by Syrian nationals. The number of Afghan refugees has also dramatically increased due to the recent power grab of the radical Taliban organisation in the country. A significant number of refugees from Northern Macedonia and Kosovo have also sought asylum. However, the integration of immigrants has not been as successful as previously hoped. Statistics from the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur fur Arbeit – BA) show that

only 50 per cent of the migrants having settled in the country since 2015 have found a job.

Although German people are divided on the issue of immigration, seeing last year’s figures, an increasing number of Germans believe that after the departure of former Chancellor Angela Merkel, the new coalition government will also continue the so-called „willkommenskultur”, the policy of lenient asylum rules for illegal migrants. According to the international blog Gates of Vienna, the conditions seen in 2015 still prevail, and the country is being flooded by the so-called „New Germans.”



germany, migrants