Leading conservative politicians to visit Budapest

Leading conservative politicians to visit Budapest

The Budapest Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will soon be held in the Hungarian capital, Budapest. CPAC is the most important political event of the conservatives in the US, and is the largest jamboree of the Republicans.

English POLITIKA 2022. MÁJUS 16. 11:52

Budapest will host the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) between 19 and 20 May. It is the first such event held in Hungary and also in Europe. The conference, as one of the most important political events of the US Republican Party, gathers conservative thinkers, activists and politicians from all over the world and often includes prominent actors, like Republican US presidents. CPAC was first organised in 1974 as a flagship event of ACU (American Conservative Union). Since then, numerous Republican US presidents have spoken at the conference, from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump

Up until six years ago CPAC had only been held in the United States. ACU Executive Director Dan Schneider, recalled at a press event that

CPAC has never been hosted by a European country. Mr Schneider said Hungary and in particular Budapest, would be an excellent location because the ACU insisted on its position that it would only grant the right to organise a conference to a country that was committed to national sovereignty and the preservation of traditional values.

The event is co-organised by the Budapest-based Centre for Fundamental Rights, a legal analysis and research institute. Its director, Miklos Szantho, points out on the insitute’s social media account that

conservatives must continue to defend the Judeo-Christian foundations Western civilization rests on, as well as national identity and state sovereignty, against federalistic aspirations. Hungarians expressed their views on the growing threats of gender ideology during the country’s child protection referendum, and the vast majority of people agreed that we must protect our children, and the traditional family model.

The expert notes that the Hungarian right wing has strong allies in the world: among others, the event in Budapest will be attended by Rick Santorum, former Republican presidential candidate and Vaclav Klaus, former president of the Czech Republic, Herber Kickl, leader of Freedom Party of Austria (FPO), Tom Van Grieken, leader of the Belgian Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) party. Foreign attendees will include MPs and MEPs representing Austria, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands, as well as members of the US Congress. Guests will also include influencers and media personalities, such as Ben Ferguson or Candace Owens. British politician Nigel Farage, Santiago Abascal – the president of the Spanish right-wing VOX party – and US media personality Tucker Carlson will be joining the conference either online, or via a video link.

The conference‘s keynote speaker is Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

The two-day conference can be followed live online by those who are unable to attend the event.



conservatism, Hungary, republicans, usa