PM Orban convenes meeting on energy crisis and protecting utility bill cuts

PM Orban convenes meeting on energy crisis and protecting utility bill cuts

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban convened a meeting to discuss the energy crisis and protecting the utility bill reduction scheme in parliament on Tuesday morning, his press chief, told Hungary's state news agency (MTI).

English GAZDASÁG 2022. JÚLIUS 19. 10:45

Those in attendance underlined that

as a result of the protracted war in Ukraine and Brussels’ failed sanctions policy, energy prices have skyrocketed throughout Europe. However, Hungary is the only country in Europe where families are protected by the utility price caps, and the government will continue this policy in the future.

By maintaining the state-sponsored scheme of utility price cuts, every Hungarian household – up to an average consumption – will continue to pay reduced fees.

The meeting was attended by Finance Minister Mihaly Varga, Minister of Economic Development Marton Nagy, Minister of Technology and Industry Laszlo Palkovics, Minister of the Cabinet Office Antal Rogan, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office Gergely Gulyas, Government Commissioner for the Maintenance of the Utility Bill Cuts Szilard Nemeth, State Secretary of the Cabinet Office Gabor Bordas, as well as Gabor Czepek, the CEO of Hungary’s state-owned energy holding MVM.



energy prices, Hungary, viktor orban