George Soros supports legalisation of prostitution

George Soros supports legalisation of prostitution

George Soros's Open Society Foundations has donated more than one million dollars to organisations working for the normalisation and legalisation of prostitution, which is illegal in the US with the exception of 10 counties in Nevada.

English NAGYVILÁG 2022. SZEPTEMBER 27. 12:35

George Soros’s OSF donated a total of $185,000 to an organisation called the Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP) in 2019 and 2020. The organisation is just one of several groups that has received funding from OSF and advocates for the normalisation of prostitution.

According to their mission statement, the organisation calls itself “a national grassroots social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of sex workers and their communities,” with a focus on “ending violence and stigma through education, community building, and advocacy.”

The website notes that SWOP was founded in 2003, and „when Bay Area sex workers rallied around schoolteacher and fellow sex worker Shannon Williams,” who was also a Berkeley High School employee. The website also notes, “SWOP has grown into a national network of regional chapters and local activists. This network works together to address stigma and criminalization.”

Founded in 2003, the organization received five grants from George Soros’s Open Society Foundation in 2019 and 2020. The largest grant supplied $60,000 “to support policy advocacy on sex work reform.”

The organisation has also published a guide with the title ‘How to be An Ally to Sex Workers’, which includes a number of recommendations, all intended to normalise prostitution.

In addition, George Soros’ OSF also pumped around 700,000 US dollars into a group called ‘Mama Cash’ between 2016 and 2020. All four grants were awarded for for a project called ‘Red Umbrella Fund’ (RUF) run by Mama Cash. RUF describes itself as „the first global fund guided by and for sex workers”. Its website says that the Red Umbrella Fund, created in 2012, „joins together funders and sex workers in support of the human rights of sex workers”.

„We oppose criminalization and all forms of stigma and discrimination against sex workers. We recognize that sex work is work,” the organisation’s agenda says.

Mr Soros also made two grants totaling 134,987 US dollars to the Red Umbrella Workers Collective. One grant amounting to 49,987 US dollars was awarded for „changing the narrative about sex work through video advocacy”, while 85 000 US dollars in funding was spent on a project called „Revolting Prostitutes with the Sex Workers Advocacy and Resistance Movement”.

Browsing for the term ‘sex work’, a search for grants on the website of George Soros’ OSF yields over 30 grantees, including organisations in the United States, Denmark, Germany, Norway, and the United Kingdom.



george soros, money, prostitution, usa