Anarchist attacks police, sets friend on fire - video

The United States has witnessed over a hundred days of violent riots triggered by the death of George Floyd so far. The worst-hit city is Portland, where Black Lives Matter activists, Antifa members and anti-police anarchists take to the streets to wreak havoc every night. Apparently, however, they have no idea how to use Molotov cocktails.

English NAGYVILÁG 2020. SZEPTEMBER 6. 12:50

On Saturday night, local demonstrators hit Portland s streets again, where they clashed with police for the umpteenth time and threw Molotov cocktails at officers.

A video posted online shows several explosions of homemade bombs with at least one police officer suffering injuries during the incident.

Molotov cocktails, however, pose a threat not only to police but also to the demonstrators. Another footage shows a protester trying to escape the scene of an explosion which set things ablaze, including his legs, as he was unable to move away quickly. He was swiftly surrounded by anarchists who managed to put out the flames.

Portland looks like a war zone, where protesters showed up in front of the house of the city s Democratic mayor a few days ago and set off fireworks.

According to fresh data released on Thursday, there have been 543 violent demonstrations in the United States since the assassination of George Floyd on 26 May. Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Mississippi, West Virginia, Hawaii and Alaska are the only states, where no riots have erupted. The figures also show that fully 7,750 Black Lives Matter-related evens have been staged at a total of 2,440 locations nationwide.



antifa, black lives matter, portland, riots, united states